Wednesday, January 10, 2007

To be obsessed ....

What does it mean to be obsessed? What does it mean to be a fanatic? In the words of Winston Churchill, " A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

For a variety of reasons, some academically interesting, some mind-boggling, some frightening, Clay Aiken has accumulated not just a following of fans (the benign version of "fanatic") but also a cadre of individuals--fanatics-- who devote significant amounts of time and energy each day -- like 24/7 -- trying to ruin his career and destroy his life. They plant false rumors and stories on blogsites, on various messageboards and websites, and in the tabloids. They have created a fictitious persona of who Clay Aiken really is. They have discovered that due to the decline of journalistic standards in this country -- the fact that sources are rarely checked and "legitimate" mainstream news now relies on the word of bloggers and artificially created stories which deflects interest from those issues which SHOULD be of concern to the ordinary person--that their skewed reality and fiction gets repeated as if it were truth and so enters the popular consciousness.

Not content to simply hate Aiken, these same individuals have targeted his fanbase for ridicule and derision, relying on sexist, misogynistic, and ageist rhetoric to mock, belittle, and attack that fanbase both in hopes of fracturing popular support for the singer, and also for the sheer, simple delight in bullying. It is rather like the internet version of Lord of the Flies.

Some of these "haters" are participants in what are known as "fan wars." They've never gotten over the competitive impulse generated by a show like American Idol. Nuts, I know, but it's true. From 2003 onwards, many of these "haters" have impersonated "Claymates" not only on blog and messageboard posts, but in emails and phone calls to DJs, newspapers, and even TV shows, creating a perception of Clay's fans that is grounded less in reality and more on the over the top, insulting, ridiculous characterizations they created. Nuts, I know, but it's true. Some are former fans who thought to gain Aiken's attention and failed -- they felt like jilted lovers, and you know they say hell hath no fury like a woman (or man) scorned. Nuts, I know, but it's true.

And then there is another group: fans who claim to actually care for Aiken but can't accept any reality other than that he is gay. Some are affecionados of what is known as "slash" fiction -- rather explicit gay sexual fiction. Ironically declaring themselves advocates of gay rights, some of these individuals decided that based on Aiken's bone structure, speaking voice, mannerisms, and physical characteristics he was the perfect leading character for their slash. Before long, it ceased being fiction for them and they became determined to prove that Aiken was as gay as they wanted him to be. This is despite the fact that Aiken repeatedly stated that he was not gay ... up until this year that is, when he finally said, "You know what? No one believes me anyway, so I'm done talking about it." So, claiming to be gay rights advocates, they rely on demeaning stereotypes to try to force him out of a nonexistent closet, while spreading rumors and planting fictitious stories on sites such as Datalounge and Perez Hilton. Nuts I know, but it's true. Taking a cue from the true "haters," mentioned above, they also ridicule the rest of Aiken's fans in many of the same terms. Their conclusion is that anyone who believes Aiken's assertion that he is straight is a deluded, middle-aged, homophobic, right-wing, fundamentalist. Nuts, I know, but it's true.

The "haters" go by a variety of internet monikers that often change daily -- Groucho, Ketchup Monkey, MyPeeSmellsLikeCheerios, Director Sandy, tinfoilhat, Shannonk, Un4gitible, Clayzfan, Naturalwoman21, GoJohn&Clay, Poodle, Percocet, and many more. And then there are those who have bought into the rumors and untruths and have brought the delusions, the hatred, and the skewed representations promulgated by these individuals into a larger world...bloggers like Perez Hilton; tabloids; radio; sites like TMZ, Faded Youth, and even msnbc online.

As they try to belittle Aiken and his "rabid" fans, it becomes clear that it is they who are truly obsessed, only in their case it is an obsession with trying to destroy a whom most of them have never even met. As crazy as all of this sounds, it is actually very well documented.

So. The purpose of this blog is to explore this very interesting topic in more depth. One day we might look at some of these "haters" in greater detail .. bring over some of the posts from one of the blogs they've set up to try to smear Aiken and his fans. The insanity of it becomes pretty clear very quickly. Another day might bring a closer look at the state of journalism in America that allows non-stories and fiction to become repeated as fact. And yet another day might look at the women's issues involved in some of this hatred directed towards the fans, a hatred which can be extremely crude, vicious, misogynistic, and ageist. Interspersed will be glimpses of the individual that Clay Aiken REALLY is, not the twisted caricature the obsessed fanatics try to push into the media.

Comments will be moderated.


Oh Crap said...

Nighthawk, thanks for leaving us the link to your blog. This is a brilliant move and many folks will be thanking you when they wake up and others will be attacking you. It's the nature of how things REALLY are.

Anonymous said...

Yes! This is so badly needed. I have been horrified at the media that passes for legitimate "journalism" today. When you see blog gossip repeated in "Newsweek" as if it is real news, it is time to expose this farce for what it is. Thank you, and please, please, use attributions so this can be traced to the sources.

Anonymous said...

More please. This is one of the best write-ups I've seen.

I've been thinking about Clay's family a lot lately. Faye has to worry about the terrorists with both of her sons. One son, she has to worry about terrorists on foreign soil, the other son, she has to worry about terrorists of a different kind on domestic soil. I pray for both her sons and her.

Truth Rules said...


WRU said...


It is sad grown men and women cannot support who they like but have to makeup crap about a skinny 28 year man(CA).

If they would put their efforts to good use they actually might do something nice instead of constantly commit libel and harass innocent people.

Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Bravo! This is a great counterpoint to the obsessive haters. Look forward to reading more here.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! I love when truth has a voice.

Thanks for using your voice for good!

I look forward to more.

Witnessing the vicious smear campaign being waged in the cesspool regions of the internet this past year has been a real education. More people need to know the reality.

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog. This should be sent to some of the media with a mirror. It is really like a work of fiction, isn't it. Quite unbelievable that people devote their time and lives to trying to ruin CA.

Anonymous said...

It does sound crazy, but I know every word you wrote is true because I have been a Clay Aiken fan from the beginning, and I have seen all of these things for myself. If these hate groups would put as much time and energy into doing something useful, like fighting terrorism, or finding Osama Bin Laden, instead of trying to destroy a singer, the world would probably be a better place to live.

Nightowl said...

A brilliant blog nighthawk, thanks
soooo much for starting this blog
it was badly needed, you speak the
truth. Yes you will be attacked no
doubt by the rabid haters. Looking
forward to whatever else you have
in store.

Anonymous said...

It's about time somebody decided to expose the nutbars. For almost 4 years, this fanbase has been subjected to the daily rantings of a collection of emotionally warped and mentally deranged individuals who have banded together to destroy the life and career of a singer whose only crime was being more popular than their chosen idol. What a malevolent crew of losers. How sad and sorry their lives must be.

It's getting to the point where it has gone beyond libel, slander and defamation of character. It is bordering on criminal harassment and I'm hoping that Clay's lawyers will eventually prosecute. I've been told they were holding out for criminal prosecution of some of the offenders.

We know who they are, the lawyers know who they are. These are evil people and they won't stop until they are stopped. They finally found a reason to exist, and they need to be exposed.

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, Nighthawk. Unfortunately, the vacuous attitude of the media who choose to repeat the hater's fallatious diatribe allows only that a male pop star wear dirty jeans and sleeveless T-shirts, grab his crotch, use profanity, rap about drug highs and raunchy sex, diss his mother, scratch his butt, and become an atheist. Since this particular Clay cannot and will not be molded to their preconceived image to which many themselves can self-identify, he became a target of deprecation.

Pink Armchair said...

Well, this was a very interesting analysis, and every word of it is accurate. Nice summary of this sad and disturbing situation. Why are Clay Aiken and his fans, who appreciate a good man who makes great music, so polarizing? I have no idea, but it must be very hurtful for him. I look forward to whatever else you have to offer on this subject.

Anonymous said...

probably the best blog I have read and seeing it laid out like this..probably the saddest one too. It amazes me daily that these idiots are allowed to continue without any consequence for their terror. It is nuts!

Anonymous said...

If this were just a word game between rival camps, it would be one thing, but some unscrupulous people in the media have joined the "bad guys" against Clay's fans. The only reason that I can see is that they know sensationalism about popular people raise their ratings, sell magazines, etc.

They don't care who is right or wrong, they just want to make money! What a shame that they can get by with lies and inuendos instead of telling and publishing the truth!

Pat from NC

The ConCLAYve-Nan said...

Very interesting blog. It is amazing the amount of energy that goes into hating some popstar and even more amazing is why they care what others think. If some people think Clay Aiken is a liar, a hypocrite, a diva . . . whatever - why does it bother them if others prefer him or wish to spend their money on his cds or concerts? Some day I truly hope a real journalist does an actual article about the true fandom and the kinds of music many of us enjoy. The stereotypes would be blown to smithereens.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this, I will be waiting to read more. I have seen all of these thing going on too. It's sad and it needs to be shown for what it is. Truth shall set you free, and it's about time we shared it with those mentioned in this blog.

Anonymous said...

This blog is fantastic! I LOVE IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWSOME Blog!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this brilliant blog! I can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...

Does Percocet realize that there is someone on his blog there for legal reasons that copies and screen caps every post made? They should be made aware.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. The haters on their blog go to Clay boards and bring back quotes with the purpose of belittling Clay and his fans. I am so happy to see this blog.

They are so obsessed with all things Clay. They accuse the fans of being obsessed. Well, if we are, it's with positive feelings, not obsessed with hateful feelings, as they are.

Anonymous said...

A whole year of malicious, evil play, just passed us by. I prayed myself through it all. I prayed for me, for Clay, for his family abd friends, his band, his business affiliates and for the fans. I even prayed for these haters, since they seemed to need the prayers the most.
Never would I have believed that his young man from North Carolina, could have rocked the minds of not only his followers, but of men and women alike, who for whatever reason they may have, have found him compelling...even enough to hurt him. That's power! Clay may not know he has it, but he does and he will overcome it all.
Thank you for this amazing recap that is correct and to the point. I wish everyone could read this.

Anonymous said...

Great blog ~ thank you for publishing it! Interesting to note that the most prominent hate site at the moment thinks I'm the author of this blog! But, honestly, you said it all far better than I ever could have!

I've often wondered why, if they dislike someone so much, they spend so much time Clacking, just like us ~ because it's eminently clear that they do! There's plenty of people out there I don't care for, but I don't spend my days (and nights) googling them or checking their fan sites so I can,ultimately, diss them and their fans. Sheeeese!

I do hope that at some point, you'll be able to post pictures of THEM, as they seem to have no compunction about taking pictures of Clay's fans and posting them for all the world to see. Not to mention posts. . . they ravage my blog on a fairly regular basis.

Cowardice is a shameful things and that's all these people are: cowards. Most won't even use an identifiable name (God forbid!) and they certainly don't post their own pictures on their blogs. They attack and (attempt to) destroy from the safety of the anonymity that the internet can provide. And God forbid someone have a differing opinion. . . I got banned for telling the truth. These people are pathetic ~ thank you again for starting this blog. Is it okay if I link you on mine (

I'll sign myself the way they like to refer to me ~ Celebitch! They have no idea!

Anonymous said...

Great blog speaking the truth, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Great, great blog and it is truthful!

Anon at 6:42, you indicated that they were people at the 'haters' blog taking snap-shots for legal purposes. Are the legal people ever going to use them?

Anonymous said...

I imagine one of the reasons these hate people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense once the hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with a lot of personal pain. The haters hate their own lives, so they get much satisfaction out of hurting other incocent lives. Remember to hate is demeaning, consuming, and weakening. Hateful thinking breeds negative actions. Hate also means you are afraid of the other side-to love & be loved.
As we all know, not just as Clay fans, but as the human Race, Clay Aiken IS what he says he is and nothing more. I have believed Clay from day one, and no Clay Hater will take that truth away from me.
Just remember, The true Measure Of A Man is in the lives he's touched.

A Forever Fan And Not An Obsessed Fan.

Anonymous said...

Totally stupendous and awesome blog. Well written and to the point! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You inspired me to fight back a little (which I actualy seldom do) so I posted on my own blog today as well.

I can't help but wonder if some of the anonymous comments (on both the hate blog and this one) might not even be the same people. People who made a mistake and are too intimidated by the haters to let it be known. Nothing against them if they actually know the real truth, but how sad that people don't feel free to use an identifable name because of the nasties out there.

Nighthawk, thanks for waking me up out of my lethargy. I'm ready to stand right next to you and give these jerks the trouncing they deserve!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Anonymous said (don't know if it's 2 separate anonymi or one person posting twice) "but of men and women alike, who for whatever reason they may have, have found him compelling...even enough to hurt him. That's power!" and also, "Just remember, The true Measure Of A Man is in the lives he's touched." Whether you're one or two, right on!

Gina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have not been to that hateful 411 blog in ages. Just the fact that they they exist is proof that they are capable of spreading and manufacturing all sorts of lies. I too hope that there is a respectable journalist out there that will write that story. This blog is the truth.

Gina said...

QUOTE:"celebhith said...
P.S. Anonymous said (don't know if it's 2 separate anonymi or one person posting twice) "but of men and women alike, who for whatever reason they may have, have found him compelling...even enough to hurt him. That's power!" and also, "Just remember, The true Measure Of A Man is in the lives he's touched." Whether you're one or two, right on!"

Two different people..I posted the first part as anon...but I have no reason to hide. Don't know who the other anon was. All I was saying is that Clay seems to be intriguing to even haters. He is a very powerful force in our world today...and he will survive it all.

Anonymous said...

It is the 'haters' that are the cult! They are very emotionally attached to Clay, aren't they? They follow his every move.

Someone should inform these nuts that the opposite of 'love' is apathy. For rationale people who dislike or hate someone, they ignore that person. Clay has a very powerful hold on these 'haters'!

Wonderful blog! It is great that someone is writing the truth about Clay.

Gina said...

no matter what causes people to do what they do, there is a good deal of stuff I resent in this situation...mostly from fans who go all over the internet defending Clay in every google alert they get, where his name appears. Some people are NOT helping..they are feeding the dangerous people in this scenario by giving out info and by fueling the fire by treating Clay as if he needs to be defended. Clay is an adult..not a child. He clearly must shake his head sometimes.
We have our many places to speak our minds. This is one of them. Surely the uninvited can come here, but at least WE are where we belong. The mess over at Varner's has to stop! It is becoming that familiar "411" blog and it will not be good for Clay, or the fandom's reputation. I am thankful for places like this, where the truth is spoken and the fans can speak. JMO

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT blog! I hope you do identify not only those haters who have made Clay's destruction their life's work, but also those lazy or agenda driven journalists who have helped to perpetuate the lies.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 3:14

I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of those posting at Varners are not Clay fans, but are these same people stirring the pot. Its what they do. They pretend to be fans to give the fans a bad name and keep the crap flowing. I'm active on a couple of boards and know of NO ONE who is going over there, at least not after the first day or so when it seemed like it was still possible to be reasonable. In other words, before the haters found the blog. And even then those I know who commented were locals and concert attendees who had every right to express an opinion on a local issue, or should I say non-issue. And yeah the media is a whole other thing isn't it? Sheesh.

While there are certainly "overly enthusiastic" fans, as there are in any fandom whether your talking about sports, music, soap operas or whatever, at least they operate out of a place of good will and not negativity and a desire to bring someone down and ridicule them all over the internet. And really I think those enthusiastic types are a small minority, but a minority that some people choose to focus on for their own purposes.

Anonymous said...

Eh. The haters found that JV blog and took it over. So. Did JV get his interview? NO.

Anonymous said...

Great to see the birth of a blog such as this. I am absolutely astounded at the degree of sick and obsessive behavior exhibited by the ex-fans who are continuing JPs old blog. There are so many over there who have really, and I mean really, lost it. One of them even visits her Wal-Mart twice a week and checks on the sales of Clay's CD. She then queries the poor clerk about number of copies on display, ordered etc. Then there's another idiot who details her height, weight and "above average" attractiveness as proof that she's not an obvious Clay fan. She's also the one who pays $220 for sessions with her therapist ( clearly money wasted when you look at the drivel she posts ). They are a very small group but what they lack in size they definitely make up for in nastiness and bitterness.

Anonymous said...

I too hope that there is a respectable journalist out there that will write that story. This blog is the truth.


The claymates have been, and continue to be, invited many, many times to "tell their/that story". Most recently their remains an invitation to do an on camera interview with FOX 8 TV in Greensboro.

Anonymous said...

I think the key word there is 'respectable'.

I don't think anyone is stupid enough to believe there would be any respectablity or fairness there. Besides, why? Because of a non-story and contrived issue that only the obsessed haters even care about? Pfffft on them!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:27

The other key word is "journalist", not some tabloid wannabe like Varner and FOX 8. Might as well talk to Butterbutt of the NE.

Anonymous said...

One of them even visits her Wal-Mart twice a week and checks on the sales of Clay's CD. She then queries the poor clerk about number of copies on display, ordered etc.
Her s/n is D. She's not playing with a full deck. When she posted that about Walmart, I couldn't believe it.

Then the other day she was looking for an old post I think on the Clayboard (seems she lurkes there a lot, as does Percoset). She said she went through 50-something pages to find it - and she did and posted it on that sick site she frequents, or should I say spends most of her days and nights on.
And she's always talking about how obsessed we are.

Anonymous said...

rtw, actually, it's unbelievable that they post some of the stuff they do post. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I spent so much of my time on someone I profess to despise. Do none of them realize that Clay still has such a strong emotional hold on them? Betcha some of them even attended his Christmas show if it came by their neck of the woods. Heck, they know far more about his goings on than I or my friends know (and we ARE fans!). And,good Lord, the time they spend on the fan sites scouring the posts and then carrying them over to their own blog is quite baffling. I suspect that most of them carrying on JP's trash are that motley crew associated with tinny.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that most of them carrying on JP's trash are that motley crew associated with tinny.
That's what I have suspected. They sound like Tinny's crew. Since Tinny's is a closed board, I hear it's pretty boring over there. But on 411, they get some Clay fans posting and they have a chance to bash them and they think thats fun. I guess they have nothing else to do with their lives. They are some of the most vicous people I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Percocet is the same person that runs the Tinfoilhathouse. It's the same person. Either that or they mysteriously have the same IP.

Anonymous said...

anon7:50 They DID!!!! One of them actually attended the christmas show....and then she posted how rude Clay was and how bad he looked.....but she thought he sang great. OMG that particular Blog is the most hypocritical thing i've ever seen. they read the cellcerts and download clack and the pay to be in his fan club so they can access Clay's blogs...they have them faster than most OFC fans and I laugh out loud when they post how obsessed clay's fans are. and the Varener Blog is clay haters posts for like 20 pages now, who's obsessed?

nighthawk said...

Just some information in case some of you are wondering where your post is:

I let a few of the posts that try to identify some of the players in all of this through, but I am hanging on to some of the more explicit identifying posts, at least for now. Initially, I want to focus less on the "who" behind all of this, and concentrate on the "what" and the "why." Which is not to say it isn't important to know exactly who they are, but at this moment, given the potential for anonymity that the internet provides, there are still mistakes that can be made. At least for a while. WHAT they've been doing and HOW they've been doing it, however, is clear and well documented, as well as extremely important to expose. The WHY, as well, is an important and fascinating topic. Identifying them more specifically than with a screen name can come later down the road, once their actions and methods have been exposed for what they are. Again, I am hanging onto those posts and may publish them later. Thanks.

I also want to avoid participating in the fan wars I alluded to in the blog, therefore will not publish posts that I feel might exacerbate that. (Which is not to say I don't appreciate the sentiment behind the post.) Anything that sets up any "my-idol-is-better-than-your-idol" stuff won't be put through, though posts that offer fandom rivalries as a cause behind some individuals' actions are OK. Posts that attempt to bait fans into circular arguments that derail the intent of the blog, or contain a lie stated as a truth as the basis for an argument, or are centered on a topic peripheral to the blog itself, will also not be put through.

I don't intend to play the game by the rules of engagement these "haters" have already set up. I have something else in mind.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would leave Clay Aiken the fuck alone and stop stalking him and bashing him and his fans. They are such small minded fools. I really do hope that GOD takes care of them soon.

Gina said...

I am so happy to see that you are seriously trying to take this down.The whole idea that the Varner site runs through his home state, boils my blood. Clay moved back to NC with love for home in his heart and has been attacked by the worst humans on the planet! How disappointing or Clay. I am beginning to really hate January!

Anonymous said...

Tinhat is Director Sandy from KCE so if it is the same IP then percocet is Director Sandy.

Anonymous said...

Nighthawk, how refreshing this is. No lies allowed. No bogus claims permitted. Thank you so much!

Celebrity gossip queens such as Perez Hilton have infiltrated mainstream journalism to a certain extent. For instance, I saw him spouting his garbage on Good Morning America. You can bet I wrote that show to complain that they have stooped to the sewer in allowing a known liar to appear to have any credibility.

Anonymous said...

These losers seem so confident that they will never be found out because they obviously don't get that some of them can be prosecuted. A few court orders and the cooperation of certain blog hosting sites go a long way to identify certain posters. Free speech is not intended for the purpose of smearing another individual to negatively impact his life and livelihood and they'd do well to figure that out. They can believe what they want, but there are a few investigations going on right now and some of them are currently in the crosshairs. If the harassment continues, it is possible for some of them to be charged with a hate crime.

Anonymous said...

Director Sandy is TinFoilHat and also reputed to be Percocet. She's an elderly witch who will do anything to ensure that Kelly is the only successful idol, including directing an internet smear campaign. Isn't that right, Grandma?

Her family should have her committed to a home for the mentally unstable.

Truth Rules said...

Speaking of Perez Hilton and his "authority" on celebrities he was quoted in an interview with as saying "People come back because I only put stuff up that's true. I like having credibility."


He covers his butt with this disclaimer: is all about gossip and satire. The content that is published contains rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, and factual information. Postings may contain erroneous or inaccurate information. The owner of this site does not insure the accurateness of any content presented on

...proving that he lies about only posting the truth. But then, we knew that already.

Anonymous said...

Perez is a pathological liar who believes whatever comes out of his lyin' mouth just because he said it. He's a sociopathic sycophant who's only motivation is making himself rich at others' expense. He wouldn't know the truth if he tripped over it, nor would he care.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that the non fans new blog is about this blog and it's titled the rantingd of lunatics......They don't get it do they, they really don't see it in themselves. this blog is great. thank you for it and your insight into this crazy set up. can't wait for more.

Anonymous said...


Why do I think a nerve has been struck? Isn't there some line from Shakespeare about "I think thou doth protest too much?"

The thing is, we have 4 years worth of their own words as documented proof of their actions. They can spin and edit quotes to their own satisfaction and misrepresent what is being said all they want. Its what they do. The truth is with us, though, and they know it. That's why they're making such a big stink. There is no way to defend what they have been doing from any kind of moral or ethical standpoint.

Anonymous said...

Those skank ho bitches from claymate411 and TFH can delude themselves into thinking they'll never be found out. Too late for that!

Anonymous said...

Moral and ethical behavior doesn't apply to the hatemongers of TFN and claymate411. It's a total oxymoron.

These are deranged people who's only goal in life is to make others as miserable as they are. That is what energizes them. Completely mentally and psychologically unbalanced. A psychiatrist's dream.

Anonymous said...

If you keep this blog going there is no reason for me ever to slum into that 411 hole. Keep us informed because knowledge is power.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Nighthawk! You did a great job of identifying and describing the various types of obsessions driving these clinical cases.

Anonymous said...

Great video. Please watch it.

Anonymous said...

Well said, another description of these people would be felons.

Anonymous said...

LocalSheriff said...

Well said, another description of these people would be felons.

January 12, 2007 10:33 PM

Or felons-to-be.

Jo said...

It seems to me that SOMEONE in the media (perhaps Anderson Cooper) could do one heck of an expose of this whole subject, and blow it out of the water.

That someone needs the availability of investigators and computer-savvy people who would love to expose this travesty - think of it as a kind of "The President's Men".

Any ideeas?

Anonymous said...

I was just reading through some of the comments from that nasty 411 blog that were brought over here to show how insane these people are. Percocet, who rumor has it is also Director Sandy, was encouraging the rest of the cockroaches there to start spreading the word to all media about Clay's "teaching" skills - you all know where I'm headed with this.

We know who Director Sandy is and what her MO has been the last 3 years. This pig has been trying to smear Clay in order to get Kelly's attention so that Kelly could not only be the only successful idol, but so that Kelly would realize what a great fan Director Sandy is. Sandy has spread her hate and encouraged others on the KCE board she moderates to also spread her venom to the boards of other idols, criticizing them, particularly Carrie Underwood, for daring to surpass Kelly. She is a sick, venomous woman who is trying to destroy the life and career of Clay because he DARED to be more popular and had gotten better reviews than Kelly on the Independent tour. This witch also encourages teens on KCE to commit vandalism by smashing Clay's CD's in stores. She needs to be exposed for the mentally deranged individual she is.

Both Clay and Kelly need to be aware that this is a very unstable and vindictive person. I would also hope that screencaps are being sent to her family to let them know what she's been doing so that they can get her the help she desperately needs.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that someone would spend 24/7 trying to destroy someone and spread hate. It's like a malignacy. I don't think there are many posters on the hate blogs. Seems the same few freakish loners/nutbars post over and over. Maybe they started out as trying to build up their IDOL by tearing down Clay Aiken, but soon their obsession with the "mission" of pulling down Clay's large fan base became the over riding obsession to the exclusion of everything else. To some extent it has backfired. Clay is always in the spotlight and gets a ridiculus amount of publicity if he sneezes. They just add to the celebrity press/hoopla.

I do admire the way Clay handles the stress of celebrity and the love/hate obsessions targeted at him with such beautiful grace and humor.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting how they continue to ignore the email of the orchestra director and her statements as if she never explained what happened. They have even ignored the boy's own statements. Just goes to show that either they can't read or they can't comprehend what they read. It doesn't suit their agenda.

Second thing I find interesting is how they keep bringing up the webcame shots with a background of a hotel room from a hotel that Clay didn't even stay in that night. Plus, that torso shot is of a short man, Clay is much taller than that and was rail thin during the JNT05, I know I saw him and put my arm around him in a meet and greet. I put the webcam shots in my Paintshop and zoomed in. The pixel sizes are different between the background and the man and the eye pixel sizes are different than the cheeks. The photoshopping becomes very obvious. I guess they aren't smart enough to see it.

Third, Clay would have had a complete background check before being appointed to any presidential committee. The purpose is so the preaident will not be embarrassed. This says it all--if the FBI didn't find anything, then there isn't anything. They just keep beating a dead horse.

Thanks for creating this blogsite.

Noteworthycauses said...

Thanks for improving the blog format. This discussion deserves to be as readable as possible.

To your list of "misogyny" and "ageism", please consider adding "sexual prejudice". Article here. In this article, Dr. Gregory Herek writes:

Scientific analysis of the psychology of antigay attitudes will be facilitated by a new term. Sexual prejudice serves this purpose nicely. Broadly conceived, sexual prejudice refers to all negative attitudes based on sexual orientation, whether the target is homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Given the current social organization of sexuality, however, such prejudice is almost always directed at people who engage in homosexual behavior or label themselves gay, lesbian, or bisexual (Herek, 2000).

...and toward people who are merely perceived to be gay.

When society labels people according to sexual stereotypes, it antagonizes the individual's freedom of self-identity. The public tolerance of prejudice and harassment reveals the continual bashing of Clay Aiken to be a deeper societal issue. I believe Clay's situation is a direct reflection of sexual prejudice and stereotyping in our culture made worse by the shameful deterioration of media ethics and journalistic integrity.

It's sad that the destructive hatred of a few can influence the credulous opinions of so many. More than sad. It's wrong.

Anonymous said...

A possible shorthand name for those who work so hard to undermine Clay Aiken.


Creepy (or crazed)

Shark fishermen often throw a few buckets of nasty smelling chum (bloody fish parts) into the ocean as bait.

Any time there is a story about Clay Aiken, the C.H.U.M. dumping begins, baiting the media and the public. Chum is foul and useless. It's not even real food, but the sharks are driven into a frenzy anyway. Attracted by the illusion of a meal, they are hooked.

Anonymous said...

Noteworthycauses, you have made some great observations. I am absolutely shocked and offended when I hear about the mocking of Clay by a certain late-night talk show host and I am astounded that in 2007 such "comedy" is tolerated and considered acceptable. Kelly Ripa's juvenile imitation of Clay in her Hallowe'en skit was similarly unfunny and disgraceful.