“Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.”- Albert Einstein
Much has been said lately about Clay Aiken .. what he's all about..."who" he really is ....what is true about him. I therefore thought I'd interrupt your regularly scheduled blog to bring you a quick portrait and an update...the TRUTH about Clay Aiken.
The so-called anti-fans, or haters, have created an image of who he is in their minds and in their conversations. They have helped to push this image into the public consciousness. Their "sources" are a few fans who had a bad meet and greet experience, a few individuals who tried to use Aiken's foundation to get close to him ... only he saw the hypocrisy and didn't respond to them the way they wanted, and a few fans of fellow "American Idol" contestants Kelly Clarkson and Ruben Studdard, fans who were outraged when Aiken sold more copies of his first CD than either. What unites these three groups is the sense of vengeance and retribution that underlies their hatred. And then there is the group that will not accept any answer but that Aiken is gay, and not just simply gay but recklessly amoral. (See previous blog.)
Among the various qualities attributed to Aiken in the past week by these varied individuals:
Diva, fraud, hypocritical, internet-trolling-gay-sex-addict, pill popping, drug addicted, dying of AIDS, bloated, overweight, on the verge of a breakdown, losing his voice, crushing the dreams of dying children, not caring about his foundation, child hating, on the brink of financial ruin, comparisons to Michael Jackson and all that that implies, losing his fanbase, slovenly, irresponsible, hates his fans, asshole, talentless hack ... and more. I've probably left out a couple of things.
Yes it is totally ridiculous, over-the-top and laughable, yet that, they insist, is the TRUTH about Clay Aiken. They say they "do what they do" so the "Claymates" and the rest of the world will know the TRUTH about that screwed up, devious, evil, threat to humanity known as Clay Aiken. (You can stop laughing now.) Currently, they are encouraging people on their sites to go spam Clay's UNICEF page on Yahoo with nasty, hate-filled questions.
Then there are a few crazy and opportunistic internet glory seekers, tabloid "journalists," and gossip bloggers who, since they can't find anything legitimately bad to say about Aiken, either make something up ... or rely on "information" and "tips" passed down by those very same people I mentioned above.
What all of these people have in common is ... well, is that they don't actually KNOW Clay Aiken! They just like to think they do. Yet they still want everyone to think like they do, and hate Aiken... even if it means fabricating their "evidence" to give to the willing bloggers and tabloid journalists who are just waiting to spread the bogus information far and wide.
So .... time for a reality check. Time to hear from people who actually KNOW Aiken.. people with whom he has worked and grown up... people with whom he is associated in his charity work...fellow musicians, former teachers, representatives from UNICEF. Who will you choose to believe? Whose information rings the most true? Those who actually know him--some for years-- or those who don't? People with upstanding reputations, or faceless posters and hatemongers on the internet? Legitimate journalists or rags like the tabloids or Perez Hilton?
The TRUTH about Clay Aiken:
UNICEF representative, November 2006:
Clay is "passionate, dedicated, with an unwavering belief that all children deserve a childhood." .... "Clay is the nicest and most genuine guy...he is exactly the way you see him, very involved with UNICEF....very humble.....very highly respected...his celebrity page on UNICEF site is the most viewed of any celebrity.Continuing on, aside from the comments of fellow musicians and entertainers (like Andy Abad who says that Aiken is one of the most musically talented people he's ever worked with, and David Foster, who deeply respects him and who chose Clay to write lyrics to a beautiful new melody , and Michael Orland, who stated he's never seen another performer so generous at sharing the stage with his fellow performers, and all the myriad others who praise his talent and musicality) here are just a few quotes about the man, his values, and his commitment to charity:
The Herald-Sun (Durham) May 18, 2003
Though Aiken's appearance has changed during his "American Idol" run, those close to him say the inner-Clay -- the humble young man who would help anyone -- has remained.
Nancy Cooke, one of Aiken's professors of special education at UNC-Charlotte, where he attended before landing on "Idol," describes the person she sees on the television as the same student she has known for the past two years.
"The same qualities that I saw in him when I knew him prior [to "American Idol"] I see on 'American Idol,'" she said in a phone interview from her office. "He is a very caring and genuine person. And he's quick. He can think of things to say on the spot."
Humble is a word those around him often bring up. Cooke said he is so humble about his singing that she had no idea of his talent until he decided to go to the "Idol" auditions in Atlanta late last year.
Suzanne Lyczkowsi, 23, knows Aiken as a fellow counselor at A.E. Finley YMCA in Raleigh who would do anything for the kids he worked with.
"He was definitely one of the favorite counselors," she said in a phone interview. "If he asked them to do anything, they would do it because they just loved him."
Aiken could even get the kids do something almost unheard of -- be nice to each other.
"Every summer, with his kids he would do a gender competition with his kids," she said. "Who could be nicer to each other. ... At the end of the week he would let the kindest group duct tape him to the wall."
From a former schoolmate, Alisha Puckett, as published in The Herald
(May 20, 2003)
Clay's appearance and image have undergone an extreme makeover, but his genuine convictions to music, his faith and to helping children haven't changed since I met him in 1992.
He would tell me his singing might not take him anywhere in life, but he still enjoyed doing it for children at hospitals and for the elderly at Christmas.
The last time I talked with Clay was a couple of months before he auditioned for his big break on "American Idol 2" in Atlanta. I was the editor-in-chief of UNCC's campus newspaper, and Clay called me, begging to have a reporter cover a charity dance he was organizing; it would benefit disabled senior citizens.
Friday, May 2, 2003 4:24PM EDT
News Observer
By DANNY HOOLEY, Staff Writer
His fans know him as Clay, the budding "American Idol." Around here, he's just good ol' Clayton.AP - May 10, 2003 -
Friends and family of North Raleigh native Clay (OK, Clayton) Aiken attest that to know him is to love him. And as they watch him being transformed into a national celebrity, they're finding, to their delight, that America loves him, too.
"He's a role model for a lot of kids," said Patsy Stone, who taught senior English to Aiken at Leesville Road High School in the 1996-97 school year. "He always had a positive attitude about things."
Clay Aiken Enjoys Success but Remembers Kids
Associated Press Writer
"From what I've seen, his attitude is any way he can help children will make him that much happier," said Jeff Flake, a supervisor of after-school programs at the Finley Y who has known Aiken for seven years.
"I see him on stage, that's awesome," Flake said. "But when can we duct-tape you to the wall again? That was more fun that seeing you on American Idol."
Aiken said his affection for helping kids may stem from his own Peter Pan-like qualities.
"It's just the way I think. It's just the way I act," he said. "I relate to them better because I probably think more like a kid than I do like an adult. I probably act more like a kid than I do an adult."
Suzanne Lyczkowski, who runs the YMCA's after-school program, said she doesn't see Aiken losing his desire for working with kids despite his emerging fame.
"As much as he loves singing, he really loves his kids. I've seen him get so proud of them for doing things."
Among those at last week's gathering was one of Aiken's former campers, Robert Nelson, a 9-year-old third-grader who's temporarily confined to a wheelchair. He fell from playground equipment at his school last month and suffered a gash in his right leg that went down to the bone.
Some of Aiken's friends at the Y called to let him know of Robert's injury.
"I was expecting maybe a signed get-well wish from him or something," said Robert's mother, Robin.
Several days after Robert was hurt, Aiken called from California.
"My husband took the phone call and was floored himself," Nelson said. "I was thrilled. It was great for Robert. He was grinning from ear-to-ear."
Aiken, who was special education major at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte before his appearances on "American Idol," has a special desire to help autistic children. "I think that's where my heart is, really," Aiken said.
During his visit Thursday with Gov. Mike Easley, one of his autistic campers asked for an autograph for an "American Idol" CD featuring Aiken and other contestants. Aiken signed it, and got a high-five from the boy.
"I have witnessed him take a child with autism who couldn't communicate, and by the end of the school year, with Clayton just talking to her and working with her with cue cards and picture cards, that child could say a handful of words," Flake said.
"When the parents of those types of kids would come in and see the progress that they were making, they would just be in tears and hugging him so much because of his dedication to those kids."
By mentioning the YMCA during his performances, Lyczkowski said, Aiken has helped raise $2,000 for a campaign designed to provide camp scholarships to underprivileged children or families with financial difficulties. The money has come from around the nation, thanks to a Web site that she's designed.
"There have been so many people who have supported the Y simply because they've heard my name associated with it, and that's humbling," Aiken said.
Charlotte Observer - Apr. 3, 2003
Idol' finalist from N.C. was boy's aide
Staff Writer
he Shinn family has firsthand experience with one of the qualities
that Aiken's many fans have found so endearing about him: His
commitment to working with disabled youth. He put off his final
semester's requirement for a special-education degree at UNC
Charlotte when he made the finals of the competition, which will
award a record contract to the winner in May.
In 2000-'01, Aiken spent nearly a year working as an aide to Mimi
Shinn's teenage son, Nicolas, who is autistic and suffers from a
disability known as Fragile X syndrome. In her mind, nobody but Aiken
should wear the show's "American Idol" crown. "I just cannot think of
a more deserving person," Shinn said Tuesday as she and her
daughters, Maya, 22, and Rhiannon, 14, readied to watch the show's
disco-themed broadcast.
he Shinns remember him as the bespectacled redhead he was before a
makeover on the show gave him tinted hair and contact lenses. His
charm showed through from the first time he knocked on their door,
they said. "There is something about Clayton -- he just walks into a
room and fills up the room," Shinn said.
Aiken has worked with other families as a student -- on the Fox Web
site, he cites a 13-year-old he worked with before he left to pursue
the show. "I'm sure all of them love him. That's the way he is,"
Shinn said.
Added Maya Shinn: "He was like another family member ... He's
definitely the kind of person you can always count on, no matter
Charlotte Observer - Apr. 8, 2003
The Dirt on Clay
We dig for any sticky matter in 'American Idol' finalist's past
By MATT EHLERS, Staff Writer
....we checked with the folks at news Web site www.*****************. The site has routinely broken sordid and criminal stories about "American Idol" and other reality-show contestants.......
Were they holding back, unwilling to share any tidbits? We couldn't be sure. So we scooted over to the A.E. Finley YMCA in North Raleigh, where Clay has worked with summer and after-school programs.
But instead of dishing the goods, Clay's co-workers flashed disbelieving looks and then smiles at any mention that he might have a skeleton tucked away somewhere.
"What you see is what you get with Clay Aiken," said youth administrator Becky England. "When Clay sings, his heart, his religion, the total package of who Clay is, comes through. His belief in God is really a big part of who he is."
We had to admit the guy just doesn't sound like a criminal -- he works with kids at the Y.
But is that all there really is?
Then friend and co-worker Suzanne Lyczkowski told us a story.
Clay once told a Y group that they were going out to tour a prison. They ended up at the roller rink instead. "That's the worst dirt I've got on him."
Ah-ha! Clay can be a prankster.
OK. It was time to get tough. We asked straight out: Mrs. Parker, has your son ever been in trouble with the law?
"He may have had a speeding ticket once," she said with a chuckle, "but that's it."
Sure enough, a North Carolina criminal background check reveals nothing. But there's a blemish a little farther down in his driving history.
A nice lady at the Johnston County courthouse spilled some particulars: Clay got nabbed for speeding there in 1998. She couldn't say how fast he was going, but she did know this: He dutifully paid a $25 penalty and $80 in court costs.
Case closed. It looks as if, although some "Idols" have records, Clay only wants to make one.
Biblical Recorder - Apr. 18, 2003 -
Raleigh church cheers for 'Idol' contestant
By Steve DeVane
BR Managing Editor
(Roger Shuford, the church's pastor) said Aiken was singing at the church since he was a little boy. He was singing every few months before he became a contestant on American Idol. Aiken is a student at UNC-Charlotte.
"He just amazes us all," Shuford said.
"It's amazing to watch him," Shuford said. "When he feels a song you can see it all
over his face.
"He's an awesome young man."
People Magazine
March 6, 2003
'American Idol' Displays Feat of Clay
Back at UNCC, his professors had no idea that their student had a singing ambition. Now they're solidly behind him, ready to cheer his performances each week -- and stuff the ballot box with phoned-in votes.
"We've been so excited for him -- he's such a nice young man, so genuine," said Wendy Wood, Aiken's faculty adviser.
Charlotte Observer - Mar. 20, 2003 -
Even snide Simon calls Aiken the one to beat
If he ends up pursuing a musical career, Parker said her son still plans to devote efforts to special education children -- perhaps by forming a foundation. If the record contract doesn't pan out, his professors at UNCC say they eagerly await his return.The Charlotte Observer
"We see in Clay's wonderful performances some of the qualities we associate with great teachers: a strong sense of self, the ability to connect with other people, and the capacity to tell a powerful story well," said Mary Lynne Calhoun, the dean of the college of education.
March 23, 2003
"Clay's creativity and ability to motivate others was evident as a student, and these traits shine through on stage," said Aiken's professor Cheryl Young.
It seems to me that these testimonials from people who actually KNOW the man that Clay Aiken is carry far more weight than the delusions, falsehoods, hatred, and fabrications of those who do not, but still choose, for some unfathomable reason, to make him the scapegoat of their negative emotions.
There are many, many more statements that reflect the same sentiments I've illustrated above, but it would take far more time to copy them, and space to include them, than I have available...for Aiken has many friends and many who respect him....because they DO know him.
The real Clay Aiken is a man of honor and substance, a philanthropic man who gives time and energy to causes benefitting those less fortunate than he. He is a true friend to those who know him. ABOVE ALL, he is a man of faith, trusting God to reveal his path and accepting His plan for him. Right now that path includes being targeted by a few people with hollow souls. Truth .. the real truth... WILL eventually prevail, however. Of that I have no doubt.

Picture by Butterflyshine
Be sure to tune in to GMA on Thursday morning, February 1, to find out more about the REAL Clay Aiken.
Technorati Tags: Clay Aiken, UNICEF, Perez Hilton, Claymates, Haters, American Idol, autism
Wonderful blog, Nighthawk. I wish we could get the same pulpit that the haters do, but America loves to hate, so I don't have much hope. What a shame that a good man is targeted for such hatred, for no other reason than jealousy.
The fact that these people have targeted Clay for this hate campaign is proof of his good qualities. They never go after the dirtbags, only the good ones. I've vowed never to believe anything I read in the media about another person. You just can't trust them not to be supporting an agenda.
Thank you, Nighthawk! I've been a Clay fan since "Take...," and I've read lots of positive comments about him from people who actually KNOW him, comments spoken/written throughout these last four years. There is so much power in the TRUTH of who he is. Your latest blog is especially powerful because you so compellingly lay out the irrefutable TRUTH of how respected, admired and appreciated Clay is by those named individuals whose impressions and opnions are based on actual experience of him, many over long periods of time, and under varied circumstances.
The anonimity of FOOLS is NEVER the source of truth.
Love this blog. Yes, that's the guy that has a "light" while others walk with shadows. I just wish that there were journalists that cared enough about their profession to search out blogs like this one or the information you've found rather than looking for the most horrid untruths that gurgle up from the swamp. While I believe that this truth will eventually be obvious to most people, I'm continually sad for our society that makes this situation even possible.
Beautiful blog - I've posted a link on our site. Thank you.
From time to time, fans will hear about Clay visiting a hospital or school without fanfare. One of my favorite articles from the end of last year was for a publicised visit when he visited with school children who had written a book about a disabled school mate. He hired limos to take several children back to the school. From an article: "Limos are for classy people," Aiken said. "You are classy people."
Another wonderful blog, nighthawk. Thank you for putting all this in the correct perspective.
Since you started this blog I have not been to 411 once. Thank you.
Beautifully said and all true.
OMC is a class act.
Anyone who read the two main hater sites yesterday, or anyone who's read the copies and screencaps that are out there on the boards, can no longer have any doubt that
a) the haters are directly responsible for feeding crap to places like Perez Hilton, which in turn gets picked up by tabloids and the like
b) Perez Hilton makes up whatever he likes and pretends its real
c) the haters are FOOLS (not to mention evil and demented)
d) a certain ex-GI is also full of shit
e) the haters are pathologically delusional if they can't see what just happened
Anyone who had even a fraction of a doubt in Clay can see the way this made-up story was twisted into something different and with the help of the haters picked up by Perez Hilton .. which they THEN treated as if it were true!!
Thanks so much for putting this all together. I know I've heard all of the recent wonderful things people have had to say about Clay, like the Unicef guy and the people at that school he visited for the Mikayla reading, and all the orchestra people that met him that some people were able to talk to on the last tour, but I hadn't ever read some of what the people who have actuially known him for a long time had to say.
Anyway, thanks. It was an interesting read.
I don't know Clay but I know many who do. They all echo what you have written, that he's a great guy.
Anyone who had even a fraction of a doubt in Clay can see the way this made-up story was twisted into something different and with the help of the haters picked up by Perez Hilton .. which they THEN treated as if it were true!!
So very obvious now it's laughable. They just jumped the shark.
Gee, maybe Clay Aiken is exactly who and what he's said he is all along, huh?
I hope 'they' are happy with their latest bit of handiwork.
That they are hateful and vile has never been in question, but beyond any shadow of a doubt they've just now proven their own stupidity.
Thannk you, thank you, thank you, Nighthawk! I so needed to see that! I found I was letting all the negativity get to me (I have friends who feel it is their "duty" to apprise me of just what 411 is saying about Clay). Not only that, but a friend that I had lent LTS to returned it recently and before I put it on its shelf, I re-read it! I strongly suggest that everyone do the same. There is just no way that the man who wrote that book is the same men the haters describe! I feel renewed. Thank you again for your strong, positive stance!
Oh the 411 losers have posted a list of questions for Clay. What makes them think he should answer those questions? He doesn't owe anyone any answers to anything, whatever he does is his personal life and they should just take their noses out of it as it has no effect on them. And if they think we believe he trolls the net for sex, well I have some land in...you know the saying. Like Clay said, they have to use the same old tired stories--and Clay said they are Tall Tales--aren't tall tales the same as lies? Just another example of their inability to comprehend the English language.
They say they aren't trying to convince people he is gay, but every other post there is just that. They can't even see that Clay's blog this morning is a slap in their faces! If anyone needed proof of their stupidity, there it is!
OMG, Clay's blog is WONDERFUL!!!
Hey, stoooopid FOOLS!! Clay just gave you a very public finger and called you out on your bullshit!
BWAH! The haters are un-freaking-believably INSANE or really, as in certifiably, delusional! I knew they would warp reality, as usual, but they are just TOO funny (in a sad, sort of pathetic little way). Batshit crazy, for sure!! I mean that literally.
And can you believe the audacity they have to say this? :
"Nope. We've never made things up before here on this blog. We certainly won't start because Clay Aiken says to.
Percocet | 02.01.07 - 8:00 am | #"
All they DO is make shit up or convince themselves to believe made-up shit. They are fuming and twisting away like the demented little harpies they are. LOVE it!!
And once again the haters prove themselves to be more obsessed than even the fans.
"Nope. We've never made things up before here on this blog. We certainly won't start because Clay Aiken says to.
Percocet | 02.01.07 - 8:00 am | #"
They actually posted that? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA god that's the funniest thing I've seen all day! what total asswhipes! They're feeling it now huh. CXlay isn't taking thier crap this time.
You can add "gullible" to the list describing the crazy old bats over on 411. They are actually trying to convince themselves that Clay himself was messing with them on their blog the other night. So desperate are they to imagine having any contact with Clay that,on the basis of pure gossip, they sign up on Manhunt and other gay sites (LOL!!!) and now convince themselves that he stooped to posting on their scummy little hate blog. Moreover, they are tripping over themselves today denying that they are "homophobic". For goodness sake,one needs only look at the comments on their 411 blog and on JP's old blog to recognize that they comprise some of the most hateful,name-calling, bullying homophobes you could ever imagine confronting.They can deny their true essence 'till they're blue in the face, but it is more than obvious where the bunch of them are "coming from".
In case someone was serious (and not just being troll-ish) about the comments that I didn't let through that asked if I go to Perez, the answer is no. If my name happens to be there, it's not me...only someone game-playing. (Just like the questions probably are, but thought I'd answer it anyway.)
On another note, it's very interesting to see how the same suspects are twisting the truth yet again. It is amazing to watch them create an alternate reality with their words and then "buy into it." A psychiatrist's playground over there. A couple of them seem to be VERY upset and the way they're twisting things is so very predictable. They wouldn't know the truth if they tripped over it in broad daylight.
It's so obvious that it's former fan who felt Clay didn't acknowledge her the way she wanted who wrote that last blog of theirs.
What they refuse to admit to themselves is that Clay denied the tabloids earlier this year -- ALL of them. And that Clay is denying them again -- ALL of them. He is not "dancing around" anything (they actually said he was "dancing around" the tabloids and not admitting they were false--can you believe it??).
He is most defintiely not "dancing around" the tabloids, just as he has never "danced around" answering the question of his sexuality. They just never wanted to hear the answer.
The truth is that Clay Aiken is a good man. And I also think he's had just about enough of the BS and lies and character assasination they have gotten used to slinging around thinking there would be no repercussions. I would just like to say that I am proud to join him in giving them a big, fat finger .. er .. hand out the door. Go Clay!
Let's hope that finger is accompanied by a good pair of handcuffs for a few, or at least a hefty lawsuit.
Eh, on second thoght why should he bother spending his money or energy on some stupid, whacked out, and lying gnats? It's more fun to just watch them implode and explode - both at the same time. ZAP!!
Thank you for this blog. Not much longer now till the hater's nasty blogs all come tumbling down. I hope a few of them are starting to look over their shoulder.
One of my big issues is some of the people posting over there. I used to know SnarkinUSA. What could have happened to make her so blind, deluded, and hateful? She has betrayed, back-stabbed, and trashed people who once trusted her. What kind of idiocy-pill could she have swallowed to make her blindly believe the words of this scum?
Was this just an effort to appear to be "non-intense" and so make her self accepted at ezproc? Has she left her brain at the door? Is she as intense as she was (only in the opposite way) when she hid herself after the Wednesday results show?
One of the things she HAS done is betray friendships. She is now nothing but a cowardly, backstabbing, delusional piece of scum too, as far as I'm concerned.
The fact that she has associated with those of like ilk is no surprise.
"Has she left her brain at the door? Is she as intense as she was (only in the opposite way) when she hid herself after the Wednesday results show?"
Excuse me. I meant to say before.
They are nuts. Totally, totally nuts. Why does anyone try to figure them out? I'ts like arguing with a drunk dude -- there IS no logic there! (Or sanity, me-thinks)
nighthawk, brilliant as usual. It's unfortunate that the haters will never buy it (I don't know if they actually believe their lies or just spout them out of hatred and spite to bring Clay down) but if somebody finds this blog through one of those tags, and realises the truth - then it's all worth it.
Some of the things they've been saying about Clay recently just beat all, don't they? And to think I actually knew at least one of them - she thought that Clay would fall in love with her because she was so great and so beautiful that he couldn't not. Bitch. So now she joins in and tells everyone he's gay cause he didn't want her. Can they not see just how ridiculous they are? *sigh* I guess I can answer my own question... I do have to laugh at the women who spend hours on the gay hook-up sites though. That really IS pathetic. HAHAHA!
But - on the bright side, I do love it that their wheels are spinning over Clay's latest blog. Even members of a certain Clay 'fan' board are sitting in their dank little corner of the internet licking their wounds. Yep, he just flipped the bird at them and the haters and told them they were full of s***. Literally. They gotta be pissed. And I LOVE it. Of course they've tried to spin it, but they would no matter how clear Clay was about it. And I do think he was pretty clear.(BTW - I SO loved the line about how easy it is to fabricate 'evidence' - LMAO Clay!!) But - he did sound pissed and I'm sure he must have had about enough of this sh*t. 'Bout time he did some a&&-kickin'.
And I think there might be more of it to come. I truly do think the haters days are numbered and they should be looking over their shoulder. Karma's coming. And she's mighty pissed too...
PH has been a part of this scam since the beginning. JP, groucho, a few OC'ers, KCE yahoos and the SS scumbags. They're all in it together. All to serve their own purpose. PH for monetary gain. JP for a shot at pseudo-celebrity. Groucho and the KCE'ers have vowed to destroy Clay's career for 3 years because he dared to be more popular than Kelly Clarkson. The SS'ers don't even follow Ruben anymore. They destroy for entertainment. The OC'ers have vowed to "make Clay gay" because they fantasize about him and are addicted to gay porn/slash fic. They've posted their fic on the gossip blogs as blind items along with floating other rumors about Clay that they've fabricated. The rumors make the rounds and when it gets back to them, well, it must be true! Demented, dysfunctional, delusional.
This has been a 13-month smear campaign. You will find the real valleyprettyboy, revnoles and skippermagee amongst the above.
Don't forget Ralehote in that list also.
Ralehote and SkipperMagee have been traced back to one of the haters.
Revnoles has been traced back to the source also.
They have IP and know who these people are!
None of them are Clay!
Something else very interesting about the hater/anti-fan crew - they don't have a sense of humor. None. They treat every word that comes out of Clay's mouth as if he said it deadpan seriousness. They don't allow for the fact that he in fact has a sense of humor. One of the things Kelly Clarkson as well as his other friends have commented on is just how funny he is, always joking and keeping them laughing. They take his words, strip them of the humor he intended, and than pretend they are shocked and dismayed what he said.
"What they refuse to admit to themselves is that Clay denied the tabloids earlier this year -- ALL of them. And that Clay is denying them again -- ALL of them. He is not "dancing around" anything (they actually said he was "dancing around" the tabloids and not admitting they were false--can you believe it??).
HA! The rabid haters are the ones toe taping around the truth !! LOL
TAP TAP TAP away ,you bunch of fools. TAP TAP TAP.....
LOL Did you see their latest blog? Something about "not insulting their intelligence"? Then a bunch of concocted bull@$#& to prove how "intelligent" they are. Bwah! Naw, "intelligent" and them don't belong in the same sentence together. Crazy, lying, and obsessed, now maybe.
Interesting,yet disturbing information about the source of the skippermagee, ralehote and other such identities. Pure evil that anyone would do such a horrible, juvenile thing to harm anaother's reputation.
"LOL Did you see their latest blog? Something about "not insulting their intelligence"? "
Saw it. They seem to think they have intelligence. lol
Some idiot said something stupid then went *snap* lol
So now there're tapping and snapping over there. And the beat goes on,and on, and on.....
LOL oh, I just love to look down my pretty nose at them. *snap*
Back at ya shit for brains
"LOL Did you see their latest blog? Something about "not insulting their intelligence"? "
Yep, real intelligent to spend your time on a hate blog. Sheez.
Oh yeah, one of them is skippermagee and everytime "skipper" logs on at manhunt they all get excited because they think it's Clay. So how do they know when skipper logs on? I can't imagine those bats over there joining manhunt just so they can set up fake profiles and pretend they are Clay. Or maybe they just find one with some info that kind of matches Clay and then say he is lying about his age or something else that doesn't quite match. Either way, what a bunch of evil losers they are over there.
They were smearing Nighthawk by saying her blogs were long and called her a windbag. Well now, they post 3 maybe 4 or 5 blogs a day and a lot of them are not short while here there is a blog only every few days. So who's the windbag? Not only that but their windbags are full of spin and twisted words and outright lies. The blogs here are based on truth and documented. The only documentation they have over their is their wishful thinking.
I let the last few comments through that mention all the ridiculous screen names invented by whichever gnat du jour is trying to defame Clay, but don't really want to turn this discussion section into a dissection of that. There are other places for that.
On topic, I loved the ending comment from the reporter who interviewed Clay for the online ABC segment ... she said that he was so genuine and nice. It's amazing, but all these people who actually have a chance to sit down and talk with him and get to know him say the same thing. Imagine that.
There will probably be a new blog up tomorrow sometime. And, yes, it will be long and well documented.
Ralehote was started by an OC'er, I believe. It originally came from an obscure blog of a drag queen who had appeared in Raleigh. In the comments section of the blog there was a short post from someone named ralehote and was dated November 30th (Clay's birthday). The OC'ers thought this was cute and too coincidental and pretended it came from Clay, therefore it must have. Hence, the name ralehote was attributed to Clay without any proof whatsoever. It's just nuts.
At least Nighthawk yours are the truth, unlike the FOOLS or should I just start calling them criminals.
It was nice to see him expess how he feels, but he also did so with Diane Sawyer. Unfortunately I'm not counting on anything else happening besides Clay venting in his blog.
New blog. Not precisely what I'd intended .. but it's what it came to be.
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