Thursday, February 15, 2007

Liars Anonymous ...

Sometimes enough is enough. Enough of the lies. Enough of the fabrications. Enough of the character assassination.

A couple of weeks ago, Clay Aiken finally spoke up and put the liars, professional and otherwise, on alert that he was no longer going to turn the other cheek; he was no longer going to sit idly by while individuals with hollow hearts and no morals dragged his name through the mud that they themselves created. It has been quite entertaining to watch their posturing, denials, and weak attempts at counter attacks as he put them on notice that their same old crap was no longer going to fly. Regardless of whether or not the create-your-own scandal 2007 “contest” he announced to his fan club was “real” or not, his blog was successful in its real purpose of calling the liars out on their idiocy and letting them know in no uncertain terms how he felt about them and tactics. It was like turning over a rock to expose the nasty creepy-crawlies underneath. So let’s take a look at some of those nasties.


We really have three categories of liars to speak about. First, there are the professional liars…those who get paid for their “tall tales,” to use Aiken’s terminology. In this category would fall those bastions of truth and integrity, the tabloids, and those even one-step below them in the integrity scale … bloggers (i.e., anyone with a computer, some spare time, and an agenda) such as Perez Hilton, who get paid for their self-indulgent ramblings through ads and hits to their sites. These entities will frequently use each other as “sources” for their fabrications...which gives you a pretty good idea of their credibility. How frightening is it that some of the so-called “mainstream” news sources actually rely on these very unreliable sources to present the "news?” Journalists have a social responsibility which it appears they are abdicating in favor of a news informed more by tabloids and press releases than by real events and real issues.


Then there are the liars who do it for free. They lie just for the fun of it, or in response to some kind of inner need or particular psychological issue.

For some of these individuals that inner need is driven by their internalization of the competitive aspects of a television show, American Idol (the fact that they would take something like a silly TV show seriously enough to attempt to ruin the REAL life of a perceived “competitor” to their chosen one ... neither of whom they even really know.. says much about their own mental instability.)

As an example let me highlight some excerpts from a posting on the American Idol, Season 2 site that someone posted to my last blog (and I'll repost the entire article in the comments section of this blog since it's so relevant):

Anti-fan and hate blogs in the US have been with us for years, but are a relatively new phenomenon which has reached a new height with the advent of computer message board sites and blogs. American Idol added to the stream of Anti-fans with the most popular contestants having the most anti-fans.
Their goal is to get others to hate the popular celebrity as much as they do and some are considered not just crazy by the general populace but can be dangerous. They don’t just spend hours or weeks of their time on a celebrity – but possibly years depicting every flaw, every mistake no matter how minor or irrelevant it is to a career - picking apart and exaggerating everything they read, see or hear about the victim of their hatred.
Most want to end careers, or for the object of their hatred to disappear and will stop at nothing to make it happen! In some cases anti-fans will spread their hatred to the fans of a star as well (especially in the case of fan wars). Fans are always a positive thing for any celebrity, and are considered the norm, but some anti fans can border on a type of obsession in their unhealthy goals and their pursuit to demean the victim of their hatred in the eyes of others no matter how much time or how long it takes.

And then there are those liars who are former fans. For some reason, Aiken didn’t meet whatever expectation of him they had created in their minds. They call him a "fraud" for not meeting those expectations, whereas the reality is that those expectations are their construction, not his. He is not responsible for the fictive image of him they created based only on the snippets of his life that made it into the media. They will never forgive him for not being the person they want him to be, nor forgive themselves for “falling” for that self-created image. Again, given that they don’t even really know him, another sign of mental instability.

In some cases he didn’t respond to these intense fans as warmly as they convinced themselves he would. Perhaps they were “stalkers” of one kind or another; perhaps they simply expected the “connection” they felt with him to be reciprocal. They therefore have to demonize him in order to “get even,” or make it seem as though they don’t care that he didn’t respond to him...whereas in reality they care very much and can't seem to move past it.

And of course, there are also a group of liars who are simply nasty people – they find it easy to jump on the bandwagon of hate and don’t care who they hurt in the process.


Finally, there are the deluded liars – those who either genuinely are convinced, or have allowed themselves to become convinced, of the hater’s propaganda. They view every word that comes out of Aiken’s mouth through the veil of the falsehoods that have been said about him. Included in this group are the individuals who are emotionally invested in making Clay gay (see Sexuality and Semantics). Even though he has said he is not … they will not accept that, and so concoct fantasies which they eventually convince themselves are real by taking any incident of Clay being friends with, knowing, sitting next to, or looking at a man who is gay (or any man, for that matter) and then creating a fiction that they subsequently convince themselves is true. And in some cases they then plant those fictional realities as “tips” on blogsites and to tabloids. In their own mind, the line between fiction and reality ceases to exist. They refuse to rationally evaluate any lie that comes down the tubes that has as its motive a confirmation of Clay’s “gayness.” Yet again, not exactly a testament to mental/emotional health.


All of these liars repeat as "fact" statements which are patently false. They say Aiken has never denied the tabloid stories -- but he has-- or denied the "webcams" -- but he has -- or has denied being gay -- which he has. They deny their culpability for writing campaigns that affect things such as potential appearances -- but they are, in fact, responsible for some. In reference to these campaigns, they say "prove it," forgetting that they themselves have posted items such as the email one of them received in response to their campaign of getting Aiken shut out of performing at the "Pure Fashion" show this last summer.

At other times, such as in this most recent example, they rattle on for a week about how they have inside “information” that Aiken is in LA hooking up at gay bars, drunk, trolling the internet, all the while asserting their writings are the “truth” … only to be confronted by a picture of Aiken arriving at LAX a week after all of this has supposedly been happening. The subject is then conveniently dropped, and they are on to something else.

They also seem to forget all the times they've goaded each other on to contact various bloggers and tabloids, like those mentioned above, with the salacious tidbits they've created about Aiken. But they forget all of their actions have been documented. Their "truth" is nothing but a web of lies and deceit. Additionally, so lacking are they in basic critical thinking skills, that they place faith in any anonymous person who comes to them “spilling” anything bad about Aiken. They bluster and bluff and posture, but quickly show themselves to be the fools that they are.

The disturbing part is how all of these liars can work together to get their untruths into a wider venue via the unreliable and inaccurate media. The unpaid liars often work hand in hand with the paid. For example, recently, at one of the hater blogs, an anonymous poster surfaced claiming to have just had an IM conversation with Aiken about “hooking up.” The claims were accompanied by "photographic evidence." Within just a couple of hours, that story and those pictures, were posted at the Perez Hilton site, only Perez changed up the timeline. Well, it turns out that the so-called anonymous source was a fraud, most likely a misguided fan trying to prove how gullible they were and how easy it was to get them to swallow any untruth.

In another recent example, as the haters were responding with outrage at Aiken’s blog, which called them out as the liars they are, someone slyly suggested that he was corrupting youth by encouraging them to tell tawdry stories. Well, rather quickly the conversation evolved and centered on this and soon a “distraught father” of an “11 year old” member of the OFC was writing on the Fox8 blog (Greensboro) that he objected to this attempted corruption of his daughter’s morals. It was a complete fabrication…an hysterical response. (Of course, the minimum age for OFC membership is 13, and only then with parental guidance until age 16.) It was clearly a lie created on the hate blog, and then carried through to a media source they thought might be receptive, based on how easily they had been able to manipulate this reporter back in December (see
Constructing a Diva).

For the “haters” their world is upside down. It is a world on the other side of the looking glass. They brazenly proclaim lies as the “truth” with every expectation of convincing people … and maybe even themselves.

Clay Aiken’s latest blog .. addressing their tall tales (ALL the tall tales – including those of last year and beyond) and ridiculing them for their pathetic attempts at the destruction of his honor and good name was an important step in the right direction. Its very effectiveness can be seen in the ferocity with which the guilty parties have responded in opposition to it.

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nighthawk said...

As promised, I'm bringing over the post someone made in the last blog that is relevant to this one:
Anonymous said...
From the American Idol Board - Season 2. Very applicable and interesting. (I added some white space)

"Analogy of Anti-Fan Clubs

Anti-fan and hate blogs in the US have been with us for years, but are a relatively new phenomenon which has reached a new height with the advent of Computer message board sites and blogs. American Idol added to the stream of Anti-fans with the most popular contestants having the most anti-fans.

Anti-fans and hate clubs have been prevalent in Korea (as an example) for many years with the most popular super-stars having the most anti-fans, beginning with Jang Woo Hyuk having the most and TVXQ! a close second.

In Korea a website is created for a new hot celebrity once he debuts and the haters will follow that particular celebrity to the point of stalking - tracking all movements, even joining fan clubs pretending to be fans in order to get the inside scoop to share with their anti fan groups.

Their goal is to get others to hate the popular celebrity as much as they do and some are considered not just crazy by the general populace but can be dangerous.

They don’t just spend hours or weeks of their time on a celebrity – but possibly years depicting every flaw, every mistake no matter how minor or irrelevant it is to a career - picking apart and exaggerating everything they read, see or hear about the victim of their hatred. One young star - Yoon Eun Hye suffered a lot at the hands of the anti’s and was terrified of meeting fans up close because she couldn’t tell a fan from an anti.

One man who pretended to be a fan shot her in the eye with a water pistol filled with vinegar and soy sauce, she was hospitalized and unable to open her eyes for days, as well as traumatized. Another young star was driven to suicide and another was murdered.

Most anti-fans probably won’t physically harm their victims - but within these groups are hidden the unstable - and they have been known to carry their hatred out to the point of wiping out a life. Most want to end careers, or for the object of their hatred to disappear and will stop at nothing to make it happen! In some cases anti-fans will spread their hatred to the fans of a star as well (especially in the case of fan wars).

Fans are always a positive thing for any celebrity, and are considered the norm, but some anti fans can border on a type of obsession in their unhealthy goals and their pursuit to demean the victim of their hatred in the eyes of others no matter how much time or how long it takes.

No one should ever take anti-fan clubs or hate blogs for granted. Some may be in it for fun and games, but all it takes is one unstable member of this group for it to turn deadly serious."

February 14, 2007 12:17 PM

nighthawk said...

Once again, this blog is not the one I'd originally been working on, but decided to go with the flow.

Hopefully I'll get around to finishing that other one sooner rather than later!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new blog. It is nice to have the facts about those loons for all to read. How are they spinning Clay's JKL appearance?

Anonymous said...

nighthawk, again, an excellent blog and right on target. It really is scary to see these deluded people with their crazy ideas about who Clay Aiken should be. They keep saying, "If he would just do this, or do that, I'd respect him", "If he'd just say this or that, I'd forgive him", when the reality is, they are still trying to make him over in their fictional image.

Even the haters who have always been haters are trying to impose their fictional image on him. I have to laugh at them when they squeal and EEEE when they think he is reading their drivel! They get just as excited when they imagine he is paying attention to them as any other lovelorn fan!

Anonymous said...

The problem with the liars are that their insignificant little lifes are enhanced by the thought of destroying Clay, which is really sick and twisted.

This is proven by the very fact that the gay contingent openly embraced Grouco aka Rick knowing full well that he hated Clay eventhough they knew full well that Groucho was a homophobe and a bigot.

Also, they all think they are above the law and they are untouchable, which is absolutely untrue.

Karma is coming!

Anonymous said...

Once again, bravo to you, Nighthawk, for revealing the truth behind the hate campaigns against Clay. I, for one, know "former fans" (and I seriously question how they could have ever been fans when they're so evil now, but that's a discussion for another time and day) who certainly had expections at their individual M&Gs. When those expectations were not realized, as you stated so clearly, the fault lay with Clay: he's a diva, he's gay, etc. ad nauseum, with NONE of them looking to their own behavior at the time as the reason for how he might have reacted to them on each occasion.

Please, please, please keep up the great work. We need level heads and clear minds. I hope I'm not being too optimistic when I say it feels like their "power" is diminishing ~ or maybe it's just because I don't go to their sites any more. I bet they're having a field day with his teeth!

Again, thank you for your clear, honest, and incredibly rational explanations of the workings going on in the minds (such as it is) of these anti-fans. Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Nighthawk..your writings are you write professionaly? To bad that these don't get out to the general public it sure would put a different prospective on things but some people generally don't care about the facts..damn shame!

I am a much happier person now that I don't go to evil places and read the crapola!

Anonymous said...

Nighthawk, another great blog!

Clay's appearance on Kimmel, which was fabulous, is generating lots of positive/complimentary comments. Clay looked great, sounded great, and was sooooo relaxed. He has IT and is IT. The FOOLS are twisting themselves into pretzels trying desperately to create negative spin, and they can't.

Clay just keeps getting better and better. Living well really is the best revenge.

Anonymous said...

Nighthawk - Once again, another one out of the ballpark! Thank you for your extremely good journalism. Nothing but the facts. For those who have questions, I need only to refer them to your concise and well thought-out blog. Thank you!

eye-witness said...

Can you believe someone would spend their time looking up shit like this?:

"The latest flight out of LAX on Wednesdays, heading for Washington DC, is 10:45pm. Would Clay have been able to get to the airport in time? Don't forget to factor in the fact that he stayed through the whole hour taping, and hung around for some time afterwards apparently. He would have had to allow a check-in to the airport of 9:45pm at the absolute latest.

And the kicker is that even if he managed to get on that flight, he would have arrived at the DC airport at 9:30am, a full thirty minutes after the start of Thursday's meeting. Factor in transportation to the meeting from the airport, and I don't think it is a stretch to say that unless Clay had the resources to charter a private flight, there is no physical way Clay could have been at Thursday's meeting on time.

Bottom line, Clay chose to goof off on Jimmy Kimmel over attendence at the committee meeting.
Ibuprofin | 02.16.07 - 6:57 pm "

god those people need to get laid or something. They're wound way too tight. I must admit that I do enjoy watching them come undone at times. LOL

Anonymous said...

Interesting article about Kenny Chesney in the Orange County Register. Seems that Kenny also is being plagued by gay rumors and is speaking out.

link here:

And here is a relevant quote from the article as it pertains to Clay.............

"....If - as he tells Cooper straightforwardly, without any defensiveness - he is indeed not gay, well, unfortunately that will hardly convince some people. The speculation will remain, and no amount of truth-talking from Chesney is going to make some people shake the notion that he's somehow covering something up. Look at how some people view Clay Aiken in the wake of charges (from a rather dubious source) about his sexuality........"

As for the hateful fools out there, they'll eventually spin themselves to death since the truth will ultimately win over their idiocy and fabrications.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read their stuff sometimes. Morons one and all. Pretty funny to watch their heads twist off as they stalk Clay's every move! It's honestly almost comical. What am I saying? It IS comical! Buffoons.

Anonymous said...

Those fools at 411 are lost in their own scum. They are not relevant but they keep insisting that they are and that time will tell. Says to me they are giving up on their "Clay is over" mantra. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for trying to shine a light on all the lies being told about Clayton. Those of us who know him know that what these people say are all lies. It's so incredible to try to understand. Why would anyone do that? Why would they say these things? As despicable as they are, though, I do pray for them. They must be lost souls to do something like this. I pray they find a conscience and a life.

Clayton may be many things - girl-crazy goofball comes to mind - but he is NOT what THEY say!!

Anonymous said...

" Pretty funny to watch their heads twist off as they stalk Clay's every move! It's honestly almost comical. What am I saying? It IS comical! Buffoons."

Yes they're a hoot.

I'm a big fan and even I don't spend that much time thinking about my guy like they do. LOL
If any of them have kids then they're neglecting them big time. Poor kids.

Anonymous said...

The anti-fans are deranged. They checked on flights from LA to DC? Shhh! There are new, small jets that are not all that expensive to hire.
Unlike them, I don't have time to track Clay's every move and don't spend 24/7 on the internet.

Well off to spend time with my lovely family as I have a life.

Anonymous said...


I just read this on the hater blog:

"As far as people trying to make fools of us, can't happen no matter how hard they try.
Novocaine | 02.17.07 - 10:36 am | #"

OMG! Bwah! No, no one needs to try to make them look like FOOLS cuz they make THEMSELVES look like FOOLS without ANY help whatsoever! Sorry, but that just cracked me up! They really have no self-awareness, do they?

On another topic. Something about a couple of the haters I've noticed is how deeply they feel THEY were personally wronged somehow, which is just bizarre. Do you thihnk some of them were the hangers-on at the beginning of BAF, the ones who hoped to parlay their "involvement" (hypocritical though it may have been) in Clay's foundation as a chance to get to know him? Or maybe were jealous of FSL? Clay's a sharp guy and would have seen right through them and probably and understandably rebuffed them. Could that be why some of them are out to get him and are so hateful? They were humiliated and called on their BS and want revenge. Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

"As far as people trying to make fools of us, can't happen no matter how hard they try.
Novocaine | 02.17.07 - 10:36 am | #"

OMG, that is great! She's right, we can't possibly do a better job than they are doing!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, their own words and obsessiveness are classic examples of people who need to get a life. Surely there are positive things they could do in the world if only to get their brains back in gear.

As someone posted above, private jets exit. But they are too focused on their hatred to take that into consideration.

Besides, if Clay missed 30 minutes of the Committee's opening remarks, I doubt he would have missed much at all. It isn't like these meetings take place in a vacuum. Reading materials, conference calls and agenda development take place constantly. This is a work of dedication; it is not just a two day "appearance" for public relations purposes.

It's not like he's getting his name in the press in connection with his efforts. Kimmel didn't mention it this time. It's not like he's doing this in front of hundreds of thousands at an auto race, or dating a member of the Administration either.

Yeah, a low blow, but had to be said.

eye-witness said...

"On another topic. Something about a couple of the haters I've noticed is how deeply they feel THEY were personally wronged somehow, which is just bizarre. Do you thihnk some of them were the hangers-on at the beginning of BAF, the ones who hoped to parlay their "involvement" (hypocritical though it may have been) in Clay's foundation as a chance to get to know him? Or maybe were jealous of FSL? Clay's a sharp guy and would have seen right through them and probably and understandably rebuffed them. Could that be why some of them are out to get him and are so hateful? They were humiliated and called on their BS and want revenge. Just wondering."

I think that very well could be the case, at least for some of them. You know what they say about a woman scorn.

nighthawk said...

I'm going to be busy off and on with family events tonight and may not get around to moderating comments till much later or, if you post something to the blog don't expect to see it show up right away.

later ..

Unknown said...

First, thank you Nighthawk for this blog - it is fantastic! Just wondering if anyone knows if the latest made up story and fake pics made it to the tabloids, or did it stay on PH's site and other ridiculous blogs/internet scum sites? I was hoping that maybe, either the tabloids even thought it was too ridiculous to print, or that possibly Clay's blog called their bluff and made them think twice about printing it if they had any intentions of doing so.

Anonymous said...

From 411

So one night he encourages the mats to "beat people up" and the next he sings about reading the bible, being a prisoner and God's grace setting him free? Such an insult. Shame on him. Hypocrisy at its maximum. Shakes head.
ZYBAN | | 02.17.07 - 10:23 pm | #

Can these people be anymore clueless? That person really didn't post that did they?

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing how spot on that ANALOGY OF AN ANTIFAN was. and these quotes you are posting here are proof these FOOLS have it bad. they are doing exactly what it says nearly word for word. these poeple are sick.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:41 -

Oh, I totally beieve one of the idiots wrote it and yes they are that clueless.

See here's the thing. They've hung their hat on the lies of a crazyman. Whether they genuinely believed him or just pretended to, the fact is that much of the basis for a lot of their shit is based on a foundation which is nothing but a big LIE. They were easily deluded because its what they wanted to believe. Unfortunately for them it wasn't the truth, and I'm wondering if now a few of them are starting to say, "uh-oh. This guy we believed who told all these stories about Clay is a pathological liar and doesn't have both oars in the water-oops"

They will twist anything and everything against Clay. ANything. They have no sense of humor or at least won't admit that Clay has one. Their outrage at Clay's actions is totally based on falsehoods and lies and spin. They are deluded nuts. Not to mention totally obsessive. The truth WILL win in the end, but it's not THEIR truth, since theirs is nothing but lies built on lies.

nighthawk said...

Just a comment: I allowed 12:49 through because it is not TOO awfully specific.

But just want to make note that any identifications more specific than that won't be moderated through since I don't want to jeopardize any more specific legal actions that might be in the works or risk mis-identification, or anything like that.

Anonymous said...


We have all of their locations and full names and have turned them over to the Canadian authorities and the FBI for the out-of-town people and also for the US FOOLS.


nighthawk said...

A comment was left this morning on the last blog that I think may have been intended for this one, so I'm copying it over here:

Anonymous said...

You know, I think that Clay's blog about the scandal contest was pure snark, and part of me hopes it is. If Clay got the haters to pony up $30 to play , just to come back and blog again saying that he was only blowing off steam, then he's more brilliant than I thought!

February 19, 2007 8:46 AM

nighthawk said...

I deleted the comment at 12:49, and am reposting it with an edit. I didn't notice a place of employment had been included in this person's post and don't want to be that specific, so just substituted in the general locale (plus it was the wrong place anyway):

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons they can continue to post on their hate blog is because they are convinced of their anonymity. They don't think their friends, family, employers, will ever be aware of what they devote so much of their time to .. hate speech, profanity, lies, trying to destroy a life, OCD in support of a former AI winner.

Well, Sandy in Burlington,ONT, Ellen in Alberta, Penny the 911 operator in MN, Sherri in NY, and more need to realize they are NOT anonymous. They need to take responsibilty for their words. They may soon be having to defend them in a public forum so best prepare now. The internet creates the ILLUSION of anonymity, but it is not.

Of course the drawback of becoming personally responsible for their words is that it opens them up for lawsuits. Too bad, so sad ....

February 19, 2007 12:49 AM

Anonymous said...

Nighthawk, you won't believe what happened at John's blog. He made a post under anonymous saying "Are Clay and John dating, they were seen in town" and tried to respond to himself, but was busted on his real nickname doing it. This guy is a crazed lunatic. I am starting to get worried he hasn't moved on.

Anonymous said...

I know it’s a terrible thing to laugh at mentally disabled people, but I can’t help it. The 411 crew really are the worlds most gullible “adults” I’ve ever seen. They are thrilled that a certain bug-eyed frog blogger just told them the contents of sealed court documents in the Holloman case. They don’t ask how he got access to sealed court documents, they just believe it. They are even so stupid as to believe that since he is friends with Holloman, she told him what was in these sealed documents. It doesn’t even occur to these gullible ones that Holloman would not have access to these sealed documents either. They just believe it! Their new blog is from an “old friend” of Clay’s who just happens to be now writing the hater’s blog! Wow, what a coincidence! I wonder if you can disability payments for chronic stupid?

nighthawk said...

Sorry for not letting all the comments through. Like I said a long time ago, there are certain names that I won't allow on this blog, not just because of not wanting to put it out there for the search engines, but also simply on principle.

I'm also not going to let this blog get pulled into the drama going on on a couple of the hater boards/blogs (they use their blogs as message-boards). Let them implode ... it's fun to watch one set of psycho liars turn on the other set of psycho liars using even more lies as their ammunition.

Finally, once more for the record, I post nowhere but here. If this blog's url is being spammed somewhere else or whatever, it's not me doing it. This blog gets lots and lots of hits anyway, so a few references from those other places make no difference. Let them read if they want.

Anonymous said...

Nighthawk - another great blog. Thank you.

I just wanted to make this comment: Clay didn't miss a minute of the meetings in Washington. As a matter of fact, he was there thru Friday.

He was there with time to spare, but isn't nice to know that even the FOOLS were so concerned that they were making sure there were flights leaving LAX that would get him there on time?

Such considerate people. BWAH!!

Anonymous said...

Butty and CA are not dating, CA would have to be gay which he is not and actually met him which he did not.

Probably the same tired full size cardboard cutout that his shortness has been imaginary dating and meeting all alone.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, the haters are really spinning themselves into a tizzy these days!So funny and yet so sad. By the way, who is the one who signs off with the initial :)D?; the poor gal sounds barely literate. Anyway, in contrast to all the stories about bad behavior I thought I'd share the following. I have it on very good authority from someone who works on Canadian Idol that when Clay visited the set he showed a GREAT attitude and was friendly to everyone. Bear in mind, that this source is a musician and by no means a Clay Dawg-- not that there's anything wrong with that :)! Furthermore, he recounted his experience to me only recently and he knows absolutely nothing about whom I like or don't like in the music world. The conversation was simply a general one about how important he thought a good attitude was to any artist's success and, lo and behold, it was Clay that he brought up as an example.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, the haters are really spinning themselves into a tizzy these days!So funny and yet so sad.

The sh....stuff is so funny over there anymore. Not a rational mind in the bunch. That letter from Clay's long lost friend, who just happened to write an open letter to Clay on the hater's blog, what a hoot!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of the title of this blog, I would like to propose a twelve-Step program for the rabid haters and liars:
The Twelve Steps
(Based on the original 12 steps in Alcoholics Anonymous .. only a couple of words have been changed)

1. Admitted we were powerless over our hatred, lies, and obsession—that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other obsessed haters and liars, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


Anonymous said...

LOL, 9:19

I'd especially like to see 4,5,8 and 9!

Anonymous said...

I was trying to be a little bit snarky and then read through the steps and thought, well this might not be a bad idea for some of those nutbars! HaHa! (I'm the one that posted them.) Whole lotta crazy going on in that bunch, and they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the ass. Wonder if all these stupid things they're falling for are people practicing their 'Scandal 2007' skills? Hee!

Anonymous said...

They have more informants over there than the FBI. LOL.

Anonymous said...

*envisions L.A. (Liars Anonymous) meeting*

"Hello, my name is (insert one of the following)


and I am a liar"

Anonymous said...

It is rather funny to see that letter from an old friend of Clays over on that blog. Why she would think posting it over there would get Clay's attention is totally beyond me.

Clay doesn't read that crap over there. Never has, never will. Just as he never read the 'pickles' blog either.

Someone that REALLY knew Clay would know exactly where to send a letter. Not post it openly on a blog full of degenerates.

It really is entertaining actually because they are all tripping over their own tongues over there. They have no clue what name they are supposed to sign in with. ROFL

And there is supposed to be a meeting at lunch today between Clay and 'scumbag'? This miracle will be worth waiting for. Hope they are careful with their details though, and not about the time the restaurant opens either. ;)

Good Luck FOOLS!! BWAH!!!!

Anonymous said...

" It is rather funny to see that letter from an old friend of Clays over on that blog."

If anone think that's for real I've got a bridge I'd like to sell them. Funny thing is I know who the faker who wrote that letter is trying to allude to and they've missed a HUUUUGE detail! Well, not even a detail, just something really big. BUT ... I am not about to tell them what it is. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Let them look like the FOOLS that they are.

As far as lunch, yeah I believe that'll happen -- stupid, lying, John-boy will eat his TV dinner next to one of his many downloaded pictures of Clay...and voila! "Lunch with Clay!" LOL

Anonymous said...

anon 9:56 said: Funny thing is I know who the faker who wrote that letter is trying to allude to and they've missed a HUUUUGE detail! Well, not even a detail, just something really big.
Actually, there are 3 details that have been left out. One of them is HUGE and anyone that does know 'the girl' from HS that are faking with over there, would spot the mistake in a second.

Now to see the pictures that Percocet (aka D.S.) posts proving it's the girl. This ought to be good. If the person that helped 'scumbag' all along has decided to be helpful to the FOOLS too, then I know what pictures will be used and just where they came from.

Come on FOOLS, give it your best shot! ;)

Anonymous said...

Sighting of CA at the Airport this morning. Sorry toad face. BWAH.

Anonymous said...

I find myself feeling sorry for them a lot. They are nothing but miserable playground bullies. They find a bad picture of Clay and its like neener-neener with the teasing, or they find any comment that can be used against him and they ratchet it up and call names and exaggerate it and bully, bully, bully. They are the kids who never grew up, the bullies, the ones that tried to beat up the other kids and that tattled and gossiped and lied. The ones that were hated by all the other kids. They just have a bigger playground now. I wonder if any of them have kids or work with kids. I really, really, really hope that someday they are exposed for exactly who and what they are so that whenever someone in their community sees them they know what sick assholes they are.

Anonymous said...

"I really, really, really hope that someday they are exposed for exactly who and what they are so that whenever someone in their community sees them they know what sick assholes they are."


This is the ONLY way to deal with people like this. Let them experience the public humiliation they have attempted to impose on someone else from the anonymity of their keyboards. Let those friends and business associates know exactly who they are dealing with. Let those schools where they teach know the mental sickness they hide from others. All of that information is available and, hopefully, just waiting to be exposed.

The legal system protects scum like this, but public opinion will not. Let some reporters hone in on their activities and backgrounds. With the kind of actions we have witnessed regarding Clay, I am sure that other people they deal with personally have experienced similar activities by them. Let's see..perhaps friends they are jealous of? business competitors? professional peers? IMO you don't act like this in just one area of your life when the activity is as obsessive as it is. If they have done these things to private citizens, they will be made to pay a price. And that will be worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:34 said:
Let those friends and business associates know exactly who they are dealing with. Let those schools where they teach know the mental sickness they hide from others. All of that information is available and, hopefully, just waiting to be exposed.

Some of that is already in the works. Years of information, pictures, even people that were considered their friends and aren't any longer because they think they are basically insane, have contributed information.

Watching the fallout from this is going to be worth every minute. They think Karma is on their side? They haven't met Karma yet. :)

nighthawk said...

In response to the question that someone had in a comment, Penny is also known as "Un4gitible" at Kelly Clarkson Express. She and Director Sandy/Percocet, also from KCE, are two of the most obsessed "haters" out there and spread their crap to many boards and other places on the internet. Pretty pathetic way to spend a life.

Maybe the next blog should dissect the dynamics of "fanwars" and how insane it makes some people! LOL

Anonymous said...

It absolutely amazes me that these "haters" are women. Say it ain't so.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"It absolutely amazes me that these "haters" are women. Say it ain't so. "

Most are, but not all.

nighthawk said...

Sorry... I've been gone for most of the day and am just catching up on comments and I actually need to go out again in just a few minutes. I want to respond to part of one comment though. I'm not letting the entire comment through because I don't want to set up an anti-fan/fan debate in the comments, plus comments that claim Clay's career is "in the toilet" probably stem from a source I don't care to validate. I would, however, like to respond to this:

"Do you honestly think that because someone said they didn't like Clay Aiken anymore they deserve to have all their personal information disseminated and their familes and neighbors contacted? What the heck for? Because they spoke their mind?"

First of all, this blog is not disseminating any specific information, so this is the wrong place to make that argument. I don't put through anything I feel is too specific.

But second, and most important -- the issue is NOT whether or not someone "likes Clay Aiken anymore." You don't like Clay? Fine, move on, who cares?

The ISSUE is a group of people who stalk him 24/7 on the internet and try every approach they can to try to ruin him personally, professionally, and emotionally. It is people who spread their hatred, people who plant stories in tabloids and on internet blogs, people who doctor photos, create false "recordings" and videos to start fanwars, people who are so obsesssed with their "American Idol" that they feel it their life's mission to destroy any potential "competitors."

It is libel, slander, and hatespeech. It is a pathological obssession with trying to destroy Clay Aiken. It is deliberately injecting a false image of Aiken, grounded in your own fabrications and hatred, into the PUBLIC that has some people on the verge of retaliation.

Those actions are NOT normal -- they are crazy and I'm not surprised that some people have a drastic response to them.

If you don't like Clay Aiken that is fine, but the attempted destruction of his fanbase, his career, and his life is not.

If you've done nothing to be ashamed of, why be concerned about the revelation of any of your actions? As you said, it will only make the fans look bad, right? Or will it make you look crazy too?

WRU said...

Funny how that comment about personal information bothers them when their information winds up on the net but it is ok to put Clay Aiken through the ringer and put his personal information all over the place.

Can we say Hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

Not that I think Nighthawk should or will do this, but those 'others' out there must certainly know that the following are readily available and are known by any number of fans. We aren't QUITE as fat and slovenly and stupid as they think we are:

1.) s/n's and the 'home boards' of the people who wrote the porn slash/fic about Clay and then spread it to the tabloids, elaborating on their fabricated stories at every turn. Starting with the 'shipping' of Clay with his then hair stylist. And ALL the other stories they have made up over the years, along with the help they gave deluded jp in his sorry quest for money and fame at Clay's expense.

2.) s/n's of the 'sistahs' who had a big hate on Clay since the end of AI2 and helped to spread their brand of hate and Clay trashing from the beginning.

3.) s/n's of the trolls who hang out at the OFC and other fan boards, insidiously inserting their agendas into seemingly innocuous posts.

4.) the REAL name of groucho, aka a zillion other s/n's, who just loves to stir the turd by fabricating stories, along with his 'insider' information about Clay and the demise of his career -simply because said grouch is totally obsessed with Kelly Clarkson and cannot stand the idea of anyone overshadowing her. A warning to the Carrie Underwood fans would certainly fall into this category to watch out for this demented soul.

The above is just a sampling and I have no doubt that more complete information could be given to Nighthawk simply for the asking.

If the 'mats' had half the hatred and selfishness that 'they' accuse us of, this information could have been made public long ago. Why these hateful people been allowed to get away with Clay's character assassination for this long is beyond my comprehension.

As I said, I am NOT suggesting that Nighthawk publish any of this information at this juncture. I just think these people hiding behind their computer screens should be aware that they are not as anonymous as they would like to believe. And many people know of their concerted efforts to smear Clay Aiken and his good name.

As Nighthawk said...........if you don't like Clay Aiken. Fine. You have that right.

You DO NOT have the right to try to destroy his career, his livlihood, and his life.

Find another outlet for your hatered. Or better yet, channel that negative energy into positive energy and do something good and useful for yourself and others around you.

And here I will reiterate - you do NOT have the right to try to destroy Clay's career, his livlihood, and his life.

You need to get a better hold on your own life and leave his alone.

Anonymous said...

So how is the show being spun by you know who?

nighthawk said...

Sorry...another busy day. I'll try to get a new blog out this weeekend, but no promises. I have a couple of topics in mind, so will have to see what inspires me the most. I briefly thought of featuring a "hater of the week" profile, but I'd hate to see the heads explode. LOL

In response to the last comment, the show is being spun as one would expect, with any possible thing being spun as negative, but I have to be honest .. sometimes it's so silly and over the top that it reads almost like snark to me. Whatever. It's nice they're all so diligent in keeping up with all things Clay .. one of the best fanboards out there in terms of having the latest info and saves me a lot of legwork finding recaps and downloads and such. Thanks guys.

Anonymous said...

One thing for certain is that despite what the 411 crowd are saying most people in that audience were NOT old, fat slobs. In fact, I dare to say that the majority were decades younger than the likes of perc et al. Furthermore, the crazies are inspecting their videos to confirm the "exact" colour of his hoody to determine if he ever wore it previously LOL! Simply astounding that they don't realize how absurd they all are.

Anonymous said...

Now here is the ultimate in wacko stalker, Ms ibuprofin. This pathetic person actually says she e-mailed the Presidential committee to find out if Clay was there. Of course, he was, and the nut job was told so. What the nut job doesn’t think about is that now she is flagged by the watchers, who monitor all correspondence regarding anything to do with the federal government. I wouldn’t be surprised if they already had a file on this one, since Clay was investigated before the appointment was made. I’m sure they can track who the crazy stalkers are, and this one shines bright and clear. Here is the email the wacko says she received from the committee:

Thank you for your interest in the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. We appreciate the close attention you pay to our activities.

I want to assure you that Mr. Aiken takes his responsibilities on the Committee very seriously and is an active and valued member. In spite of the intense winter weather that hit the eastern seaboard and caused many flight cancellations and delays, Mr. Aiken was able (after some weather-related delays) to make it into town for our meeting. Unfortunately, due to the weather, several of our members and one of our speakers were unable to make it to the meeting at all, but Mr. Aiken persisted in his travel plans and was able to attend the latter part of the first day and the entirety of the second day.

Again, thank you for your interest in the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.


Kodie Sue Ruzicka

President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities

I guess she just wanted to know that Clay was actually working for her own betterment!

Anonymous said...

"We appreciate the close attention you pay to our activities."

Heh. Does the dumb-cluck realize the person who wrote this was probably being sarcastic? Just like the UNICEF folks, I'm sure the Committee is well aware of the nasty, crazy haters and their little email campaigns.

Actually I read some of this earlier today. One idiot said Clay only attended the meeting because he listened to THEM ..a bunch of low-life haters on an obscure little cess pool of a blog. As IF!! BWAH! God, they're stupid!

Anonymous said...

That is some screwed up SH**! they actually did that? Note to Fools: GET HELP!!!!!!! Stalkers! good lord that absolutely FLOORS me.(not to mention it scares the crap out of me that they think that kind of stuff is normal. it's dangerously psychotic. and they don't see it.)

Anonymous said...

"Thank you for your interest in the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. We appreciate the close attention you pay to our activities."

That statement screams... mind your own business.

Doesn't it appear to all of you that Clay often does what the "haters" suggest? BWAH!

Anonymous said...

wtf? And these people call US obsessed?!! At least we're obsessed with someone we actually LIKE.

Maybe we should write to ibuprofin's employer to see if she shows up for work on Monday?

I mean, just because we're worried that she can't meet her obligations due to all of her important extracurricular activities.

Anonymous said...

Ibuprofin is a pompous windbag who basically got told where to stick it by Ms. Ruzicka.

This is clearly harassment and stalking. Someday soon Ibuprofin may be outed. When you spit in the wind, it just may come back to hit you in the face.

Anonymous said...

February 24, 2007 12:22 AM That is a great idea. Maybe we should write letters checking on as many of the anti-fans as we can. It is our duty. lol. I heard one of the long time haters from kce was warned in the past for spending so much time on the internet. They seem to be on the internet all the time. Darn why do I have to work for a living. It is nice to have a real life though. As much as I enjoy the fandom, my family and friends do have a priority. The haters seem to have nothing else going for them except the message boards. I would feel sorry for them if they were not so hateful.

Truth Rules said...

"Thank you for your interest in the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. We appreciate the close attention you pay to our activities."


Too bad it didn't post the email it sent.

Anonymous said...

They really are vile bitches over there. The liars are insinuating illegal activity on Clay's part. I know you get a lot of traffic here (saw your blog in a google alert!)so if someone here knows how to inform Clay's people that these folks are making allegations like that maybe they can be shut down. Thank goodness ya'll know who they are! I'd imagine security and the lawyers do too. Too bad the legal system curns along so slowly.

But what I really wanted to post is this. SOOO funny! The lying scum are going on and on about how there is no one on Clay's fanboards. So I went to the Clayboard. There were 239 people online. Opened another window on the OFC - 175 people. Well. At the same time I decided to check out Kelly Clarkson Express - there were 83 people on. OMG!! Only 83 people!!! Kelly's career is OVER! *snark*

Anonymous said...

Anon at February 24, 2007 9:20 PM: that is one of Groucho's old stories that they keep bringing up as if it were true. Just more of his fake garbage but they are too stupid to know that, or just to ugly to admit that they know the stories are fake. Nothing to be concerned about. There never was any internet hookups of any kind, let alone the one they are trying to push here. They tried to get someone to pretend to be this person, but because it was illegal, they couldn't get anyone who was willing to risk going to jail for it. Even the idiot Groucho finally gave up on it.

nighthawk said...

I'm slowly but surely working on a new blog. However, since I have a lot going on right now, I'm not sure if it'll happen today or not...or even tomorrow.

Not much going on at the hater-blogs other than the same old spin, with a little extra dose of internet cruelty thrown in for good measure. Well, actually, I guess that's the same as always, too.

In my travels across the blogosphere, I came across this site yesterday. There are some links to some interesting articles on there. I don't have the time to read them all right now, but some look interesting. In fact a couple link to references I'm using for this blog I'm in the process of writing. The site also includes links to some information that's a little too specific for me to talk about here, but it's interesting reading anyway.

Anyway, here you go.

Anatomy of a Smear Campaign

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for your next blog!
*taps fingers patiently*

It's been like a cross between the Jerry Springer Show and a looney-bin over at the main hater blog. "Anti-fan-fic Gone Wild!" LOL! Absolutely, totally, and completely insane. Name changing, drama, and living up to their lying reputation. It's so hard to tell if they're really that crazy or if they're just really that stupid.

nighthawk said...

Thanks for being so patient ... tapping fingers and all. ;) It'll happen....sooner or later.

It's not surprising to hear about the drama. I vote for both crazy AND stupid.

Anonymous said...

The old Shakespearean quote, "Methinks thou doth protesteth too much" is what I thought of when I read the lastest couple of blogs over at 411.

It's OK for THEM to post pictures of innocent fans, whose only sin is to love and support Clay, along with their personal information and then trash them, or make up nonstop crap about Clay, but God forbid someone do the same to them or make them personally accountable for their words! What frekkin hypocritical, pathetic, lying. loser, FOOLS.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^ You forgot to mention bullies. Bullies can dish it out but they can't take it.

Anonymous said...

One great thing about showing pictures of the morons is that now everyone will know who is it that is so stupid that they believe this stuff! Sometimes I wonder if they can really be this stupid. It seems like they wouldn't be able to breath on their own if they really are that deficient mentally.

Anonymous said...

Gosh. Looks like those "truthful" people at 411/FS were wrong AGAIN!!

Their "inside information" said Clay wouldn't tour or if he did it woud be in venues that only seat a few hundred. They said his career was over. OOPS! You lose, loser FOOLS! YOU are the FRAUDS!!

Anonymous said...

What's weird is the "FOOLS" really think CA's career is dependent on them. They are forever spouting their
so called advice. To my knowledge Clay has never done anything remotely
similar to the rantings of the "FOOLS" and probably never will.

nighthawk said...

What an interesting night it was last night. The guy who has been lying for nearly a year about hooking up with Clay Aiken has finally come clean about the fact that it was just one big lie and part of a broader smear campaign. While I don't believe everything he said (see the title of this blog ...hard to know just when to believe a liar) I know at least that element of truth to be legitimate. And the "haters" don't like that truth one bit. But then, they always knew it...they just don't like that he's admitting the lie and the fact that he is implicating some of them in it.

Honestly, I think all of these people are psychotic on some level...all of them. JP, Percocet, Dramamine, mpslc, Groucho, etc., etc. If it weren't for the fact that it's someone's real life they have been trying to negatively effect -- Clay Aiken's -- I would call their freak-show morbidly fascinating and bring out the popcorn.

At any rate, JP (or someone) has now deleted his comments, but of course they were all first saved. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Let's hope that JP finally salvages some modicum of integrity from the cess pool of the past year and continues to admit his role in this ongoing, unjust, smear campaign.

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine CA ever talking to "it" , that seems to be something "it" wants to maintain. This whole thing has been just one big internet (and tabloid) tall tale with the pickle wanting fame no matter what kind or how. Perc is just as sick as Pickle. Haven't they both proven they are crazy together.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think we will ever know who is at the bottom of this smear campaign? Will TC or whoever be able to do something about it? Or has it already been done? I wish the rags would print a retraction...I guess though that "When Pigs Fly" the rags will print a retraction after trying to ruin Clay's good name

Anonymous said...

maggi said...

" Does anyone think we will ever know who is at the bottom of this smear campaign?"

Who knows. I see comments like this from the 411/CFS blog

"It really won't matter what John says at this point. The damage to Clay's image is done. He did a fabulous job of dragging Clay through the mud and knocking him off that lofty perch.
MPSLC | 03.02.07 - 1:56 pm | #"

and I can completely believe that some of those maggots are involved with this in some way. Thay are so sick and demented and deluded that it is mind boggling, but then I guess they say the person who's insane is the last person to be aware of it.

I don't doubt that Clay will triumph in the end and I think they overinflate the success of their little smear campaign, but that's because they lie so much and believe so many lies that they don't know whats really true. Boy, would I ever love to see them get the retribution they so justly deserve. Who knows if it'll happen though? The thing is, they have to live with themselves and someday they'll wake up from this insanity and realize they were wrong and realize what they tried to do to a good man. Bad karma, very very bad.

Anonymous said...

The maggot is just pissed because his 411 groupies have dumped him. He is still trying to convince them, and anyone else, that he has had communication with Clay, when no one with two brain cells to rub together believes that. Oh, I guess the 411er's do!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said,

Boy, would I ever love to see them get the retribution they so justly deserve.


Oh they will! Their retribution is coming this summer. Clay is touring. He is not depressed. His career will continue and he will have a successful career despite them.
They have said and done their worst and failed. JP and 411 are imploding.

Karma has arrived. Whoopee!!

Anonymous said...

I don't, nor have I ever believed that JP has had any kind of contact with Clay; but there are certain things he said that gel with some of the information fans have gathered...

Yes fans gathered, and JP stole or was helped. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! These people are so dumb that they are still trying to get explanations for this fake story. Asking about who took the webcams, to dumb to see that there never were webcams! Photoshop is so easy. Asking about penis bumps, to dumb to see that that detail, like all of them, were made up for show. Everything, from the first syllable, to the last phony email, is fake! Are they really too stupid to see that? No "facts" anywhere to explain! Gads, I hate stupid people!

Anonymous said...

I was looking around the web and found a book called "Web Stalkers" at this site Looks interesting.

Talks about different types of web stalkers and legal actions that can be taken. Apparently Google is cooperating with law enforcement in stalking cases. They even talk about "web conspiracies" to defame and how that is illegal in several states. This is not a situation where someone "sues," but where a DA brings criminal charges. NC is one of the states that has enforcable laws. Finally, I really liked this review from the site,

" "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time.", December 6, 2005

"Web Stalkers" is a true revelation for anyone seeking to understand the phenomena, detailing how any malefactor can become empowered by conducting false light defamation campaigns and web conspiracies through online forums, blogs and more.

Recently a group of fanatics were targeting individuals whom they felt deserved to be vanquished online and so they set out with invasions of privacy, web conspiracies and false light defamation campaigns disguised as free speech and parody in interactive chat rooms and forums. It took some time but after years of deeply rooted contempt, false light defamation and libel they accomplished their goal.

For the first time the stratagem behind this kind of treachery is exposed. And although justice may never be served, it is all the more relevant that pause be given to recognize how embarrassingly simple it is to seduce the average person into conspiring, committing and justifying unconscionable, shameful and criminal acts.

As much as "Web Stalkers" is vindication for the victims emerging from this new frontier in communications and a guide for the future and prevention, it also serves a double role as a deterrent for would be web conspirators and stalkers who may not be aware that they are also would be criminals as well. Unfortunately for far too many normally average everyday people it is too late... The anonymity and the immediacy of this new form of communication has brought out the worst in them.

At least with a book like "Web Stalkers" there is some closure and vindication for those who have been searching for this information for years. After reading it, the criminal wrongdoing that has always been suspect of being present online but never really clearly defined, is finally revealed. There is no second-guessing any of it anymore.

As for the new age of criminals, "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time."

Looks like a must-read book!

Anonymous said...

More (with thanks to Anatomy of a SMear Campaign)

criminal libel laws for web defamation

"In Colorado, state law makes criminal libel a felony carrying up to 18 months in prison and a fine up to $100,000 for the first offense. In general, web libel is posting false information about someone that defames them, commonly accusations of criminal acts, marital infidelity, dishonesty or that you have a nasty disease.."
" In Colorado, a man received a a paltry 23 years sentence for "spreading lies on the internet", but some states are getting tougher on libel crimes."

Anonymous said...

As much as I love seeing the Web and internet libal laws change, they still have no impact on public figures. They are still fair game for these criminals. When that changes, this crap will stop.

Anonymous said...

Their 'truth' is based on nothing but a pack of lies, a couple of bad meet and greets from some borderline stalkers with high expectations, and the animosity of a few obsessive fans of other idols and their involvement in 'idol fan wars'.

Only they are too stupid to see that.

""There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time."

Yes. And I think it's almost here.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:17

There ARE lines that can be crossed -- even for public figures.

Anonymous said...

"It really won't matter what John says at this point. The damage to Clay's image is done. He did a fabulous job of dragging Clay through the mud and knocking him off that lofty perch.
MPSLC | 03.02.07 - 1:56 pm | #"

I'm sure she's enjoying every minute of it too. MPSLC is nothing more than a shallow-skinned bully with a filthy mouth. A miserable excuse for a human being. If you've read her latest blog, it is quite obvious that she also lacks critical thinking skills.

Anonymous said...

Paulass is saying that Clay was stripping in the webcams for women now, except that the torso pictures are of two different men, neither of whom has Clay's body type or the correct color and texture of his chest hair.

Asshats such as these believe whatever they want despite the truth hitting them in the face. They're all out on the golf course with OJ trying to find the real killers of Ron and Nicole.

Anonymous said...

Clay has never communicated with JP. JP is either being duped himself by an online imposter or he's lying through his teeth and I vote for the latter. Clay was not at the QI that night or any night. All of the hook-up stories are a lie cooked up by the scam artist- in-chief and his band of looney tunes.

Anonymous said...

They're all out on the golf course with OJ trying to find the real killers of Ron and Nicole.


scam artist-in-chief and his band of looney tunes.

BWAH!!!! again

nighthawk said...

I'll be frank here. As far as I'm concerned, they can believe whatever they want to believe..that's not my concern. If they want to sit around and waste their lives and rant and obsess all day and night about that great threat to humanity, Clay Aiken, then they can knock themselves out. If they want to be stupid and gullible, that's their choice. If they want to rot their souls with the dark energy of hatred, that's their business. As long as they keep it on their own blog and/or board.

It is when they start spreading their malevolence to the really public blogs, to tabloids, newspapers and news comment sections, to venues and charitiable organizations, to presidential committees, that I have an issue. It is when they impersonate Clayfans in an effort to discredit the fans and have an impact on Clay's career that I have an issue.

I keep reading about this red herring they throw out, that they've "done nothing wrong other than have an unpopular opinion." Well, that's BS. No one cares about simply their opinion. What they care about is the smear campaign, the way they try to spread lies in such a way as to have a negative effect on Clay that people have an issue with. And it HAS been documented that they, or at least some of them, have done just that. Some of that documentation comes from 411 itself, as well as other places they hang out.

Just wanted to clear that up.

And in reference to some comments I didn't put through, I don't know how many times I need to repeat this, but here goes again: I post nowhere but here. I have no other blogs. I don't bother anyone else on their own blogs. If you have an inclination to read what I have to write, here is the only place to do it (so it's easily avoided

Speaking of which, with all these constant developments the new blog is quite long even for me, so will be divided up into 2 or 3 sections. First one tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

After reading more of the 411 ranting, I think Percoset needs to change her name to “Thorazine,” it fits her needs better. This sentence of hers,

“The longer Clay refuses to be honest and accept responsibility for his actions the longer people will call him out.”

shows a women who thinks she actually has influence on a total stranger. She seems to forget that she has admitted that she has hated him from the first time she saw him, so why would he owe her anything? She thinks she is going to call him out? Getting a little delusional there, isn’t she? How is she planning to do that? Maybe demand that he behave the way she says he should? Well, he is an adult, a very successful adult, who certainly doesn’t need a crazy like this to tell him how to behave. He isn’t the one sitting in front of a computer all day writing hate blogs about a stranger!

Anonymous said...

QUOTE from Percocet:
“The longer Clay refuses to be honest and accept responsibility for his actions the longer people will call him out.”

Accept responsibility for what actions? Clay has already stated that the story was false and the webcams are fake. JP just stated the other night that he never met Clay and that the story was a hoax. What is this nutbar talking about? She refuses to believe JP now because it's not what she wants to hear. Therefore, Clay must be honest and take responsibility for the fact that the story was a hoax and the webcams are fake.

Does this moron ever listen to herself?

Anonymous said...

It is one thing for the crazies to weave their web of lies in their own nest, but quite another to spead the lies everywhere. What they do in private by telling each other lies is bad too but there is nothing much that can be done about it. Deliberatly making up stories to spread to well known gossip blogs and to the media makes no sense. It seems inherently evil. Nothing makes much sense - creating "hate" blogs, pretending to be Clay fans to make us look bad, disrupting charities, registering on real fan sites to cause trouble, etc. It all seems criminal. I pray that one day the laws will catch up to them. Nothing is really secret on the internet and there is much buried in the databases in archives that could one day be made available to prosecutors. One can only hope.

Anonymous said...

Quote from Nighthawk:

"It is when they start spreading their malevolence to the really public blogs, to tabloids, newspapers and news comment sections, to venues and charitiable organizations, to presidential committees, that I have an issue. It is when they impersonate Clayfans in an effort to discredit the fans and have an impact on Clay's career that I have an issue.

Quote from the recent 411 nutbars:

The News and Observer piece they take comments? They should be informed about how Faiken is using BAF to further his career and NOT the other way around. Time to start setting that record straight too! Anyone know where to contact them?

I would actually love to see the face of the person at the N & O who got this e-mail. Talk about exposing yourself as a wacko!

Anonymous said...

I would actually love to see the face of the person at the N & O who got this e-mail. Talk about exposing yourself as a wacko!

Remember the e-mail to the presidental committee one sent.
Remember the responce the nut case got. Didn't even realize she/he was called a nut case in so many words. LOL.

nighthawk said...

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